Movement Quotes

Text Quotes
The secret gem of truth has been hidden in the core of your own heart all along. My invitation is to stop all movement of your mind away from truth so that you can discover directly, for yourself, this jewel that is alive within you (Movement Quotes)
Our right hemisphere, it thinks in pictures and it learns kinesthetically through the movement of our bodies. Information... explodes into this enormous collage of what this present moment looks like, smells like and tastes like, what it feels like and what it sounds like (Movement Quotes)
I say we must have a movement that brings those troops home and launch a crusade to transform our school buildings, we launch a crusade to see to it that every citizen has adequate and affordable housing, we launch a crusade to make universal health care. We need not soldiers anymore in the world. We’ve had enough of them in western history (Movement Quotes)
If you are not a skater, you probably can’t imagine what I mean. I could try to tell you by saying it’s a feeling of ice miles running under your blades, the wind splitting open to let you through, the earth whirling around you.It’s a sense of power, of command over distance and gravity, and an illusion of no longer having to move because movement is carrying you (Movement Quotes)
Everything lives by movement, everything is maintained by equilibrium, and harmony results from the analogy of contraries; this law is the form of forms (Movement Quotes)
The conservative movement, to which I subscribe, has as one of its basic tenets the belief that government should stay out of people’s private lives. Government governs best when it governs least – and stays out of the impossible task of legislating morality. But legislating someone’s version of morality is exactly what we do by perpetuating discrimination against gays (Movement Quotes)
Movement is a fantastic privilege but it ultimately only has meaning if you have a home to go back to (Movement Quotes)
I do think it’s only by stopping movement that you can see where to go. And it’s only by stepping out of your life and the world that you can see what you most deeply care about… and find a home (Movement Quotes)
Movement, change, light, growth and decay are the lifeblood of nature, the energies that I I try to tap through my work. I need the shock of touch, the resistance of place, materials and weather, the earth as my source. Nature is in a state of change and that change is the key to understanding. I want my art to be sensitive and alert to changes in material, season and weather. Each work grows, stays, decays. Process and decay are implicit. Transience in my work reflects what I find in nature (Movement Quotes)
Floating in the void free of gravity I made my way along the side of the ship. I listened to my own breaths. It was so dark and I was so weightless that I had to look for my bubbles to be sure which way was up. I swam backward a little away from the boat and into outer space and waved my arm through the water. Sure enough the phosphorescents appeared trailing my movement like the tail of a shooting star. I let myself tip upside down and floated there watching the gentle snowstorm marveling that a world of such strangeness existed here all the time just under the surface (Movement Quotes)
Concentrate on the correct movement each time you exercise, lest you do them improperly and thus lose all the vital benefits. Correctly executed and mastered to the point of subconscious reaction, these exercises will reflect grace and balance in your routine activities (Movement Quotes)
One of the few luxuries left is travel, and the aspect of travel that is luxurious is not the movement, but the being there (Movement Quotes)
Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself (Movement Quotes)
This organ deserves to be styled the starting point of life and the sun of our microcosm just as much as the sun deserves to be styled the heart of the world. For it is by the heart’s vigorous beat that the blood is moved, perfected, activated, and protected from injury and coagulation. The heart is the tutelary deity of the body, the basis of life, the source of all things, carrying out its function of nourishing, warming, and activating body as a whole. But we shall more fittingly speak of these matters when we consider the final cause of this kind of movement (Movement Quotes)
I think the environmental movement has failed in that it’s used the stick too much; it’s used the apocalyptic tone too much; it hasn’t sold the positive aspects of being environmentally concerned and trying to pull us out (Movement Quotes)
The movement is contagious, and the people in it are the ones who pass on the spirit (Movement Quotes)
Every important social movement reconfigures the world in the imagination. What was obscure comes forward, lies are revealed, memory shaken, new delineations drawn over the old maps: it is from this new way of seeing the present that hope emerges for the future... Let us begin to imagine the worlds we would like to inhabit, the long lives we will share, and the many futures in our hands (Movement Quotes)
The autonomy of the individual appears to be complemented and enhanced by the movement of the group; while the effectiveness of the group seems to depend on the freedom of the individual (Movement Quotes)
All great films are a resolution of a conflict between darkness and light. There is no single right way to express yourself. There are infinite possibilities for the use of light with shadows and colors. The decisions you make about composition, movement and the countless combinations of these and other variables is what makes it an art (Movement Quotes)
You can make the case that slacktivism is important because it makes people feel affiliated to a movement and be part of it, and talk about it (Movement Quotes)
As we live our human lives, let us be like the water. Let us be conscious of the flow. Let us not forget the great ground of being that draws us on through life. Let us live in a knowing hope, aware that all being is in transition, that all movement is back to the source. Let us treat those around us as reminders of our illusionary individuality. We know that they are us and we are them connected in ways we cannot fathom. Let us grow in compassion for all beings, for they share our journey (Movement Quotes)
Natural movement is the shortest way to an effective result. Like the way the water runs, it always finds the right way (Movement Quotes)
I’d like to see animals removed from the entertainment business. Chimpanzees and apes won’t perform unless you beat them. Circuses keep elephants in chains 90 percent of the time. Elephants need freedom of movement. In circuses, they live in cramped quarters, which is not the life intended for them by nature. Some are beaten daily, forced to do ridiculous tricks and robbed of every shred of dignity (Movement Quotes)
Even after many years, kata practice is never finished, for there is always something new to be learned about executing a movement (Movement Quotes)
There’s no time to waste. Every day, there needs to be movement on something (Movement Quotes)
It is not the natural movement of film that gives the objects their expression, but the artistic movement, that is to say, a rhythmical movement regulated by itself in which variations and pulsations form a part of the artistic design (Movement Quotes)
If you look at the science that describes what is happening on earth today and aren’t pessimistic, you don’t have the correct data. If you meet the people in this unnamed movement and aren’t optimistic, you haven’t got a heart (Movement Quotes)
There are insistent calls for autonomy, appeals for a new resource ethic based on the tradition of the commons, demands for the reinstatement of cultural primacy over corporate hegemony, and a rising demand for radical transparency in politics and corporate decision making. It has been said that environmentalism failed as a movement, or worse yet, died. It is the other way around. Everyone on earth will be an environmentalist in the not too distant future, driven there by necessity and experience (Movement Quotes)
Movement always helps. A world of thoughts occurred to her whenever she rode a train, and a lesser world whenever she went for a walk (Movement Quotes)
It’s nice to wear a suit once in a while. It can restrict some body movement, but it makes me feel as though I’m part of society. I feel a sense of security because I’ve conformed to the standards of the rest of the world (Movement Quotes)