Movement Quotes

Text Quotes
When women turn on women, and take cheap shots at their decisions purely to score political points it serves as proof that feminism, as a movement, is dead and no longer relevant or credible. (Movement Quotes)
I’m an independent thinker. And I’m not the poster child for any movement. I’m trying to support whatever’s right no matter where it is. (Movement Quotes)
I think I was pretty much hated in France. The French press ignored me. There was a movement when the children of celebrities faced strong animosity. (Movement Quotes)
To win, we will need to keep building the movement, networking with one another, planning, strategizing, and moving forward. Our children’s futures, and those of their unborn children, are at stake. (Movement Quotes)
I think - and even with the Live Chin Up movement - it’s about women doing things for themselves. Being empowered. Doing things that make you happy. I believe in that philosophy. (Movement Quotes)
The sense of a spiritual dimension in life is absolutely important, and the religious communities are also important. The question of believing in a set of creedal statements is a lot less important, because I realize the Christian movement thrived then and can now on other elements of the tradition. (Movement Quotes)
You probably know the name of Rosa Parks. You probably know that her refusal to move to the colored section in the back of a city bus sparked the Montgomery bus boycotts, one of the pivotal moments in the American civil rights movement. (Movement Quotes)
Occupy Wall Street was a disorganized movement without a clear focus and power base - essential in any successful revolution - but the message was clear: the divisions between those who are fortunate enough to enjoy city living as opposed to those who find it unbearable are too wide. (Movement Quotes)
The core of human rights work is naming and shaming those who commit abuses, and pressuring governments to put the screws to abusing states. As a result, human rights conventions are unique among international law instruments in depending for their enforcement mostly on the activism of a global civil society movement. (Movement Quotes)
I have loved the Department of Justice ever since, as a young boy, I watched Robert Kennedy prove during the Civil Rights Movement how the department can - and must - always be a force for that which is right. (Movement Quotes)
I wrote a great deal about the Civil Rights Movement when I was writing for ‘The Nation’ in the 60s, and also for Esquire magazine. Reading the biography of Coffin, it just reminded me that in those days, when you saw the term ‘Christian,’ it usually meant people for civil rights and for justice. (Movement Quotes)
Growing up, my birthday was always Confederate Memorial Day. It helped to create this profound sense of awareness about the Civil War and the 100 years between the Civil War and the civil rights movement and my parents’ then-illegal and interracial marriage. (Movement Quotes)
[A.J. Muste] was very influenced - in - influential in the peace movement, in the civil rights movement. (Movement Quotes)
I think every high school student who was alert during the early 60s got very embittered by the slow progress and the violence surrounding the Civil Rights Movement. (Movement Quotes)
One of the triumphs of the Civil Rights Movement is that when you travel through the South today, you do not feel overwhelmed by a residue of grievance and hate. (Movement Quotes)
I think, along with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks will go down as one of the two most well-known and remembered figures out of the Civil Rights Movement. (Movement Quotes)
You grow up with a heightened sense of the Civil Rights Movement, but I think it wasn’t until I became of age that I really had a great appreciation for the struggle that took place. (Movement Quotes)
We have a tendency to sugar coat the Civil Rights movement by showing arm in arm and everyone singing ‘Kumbaya’. We don’t really always show the resistance from the government, the resistance from the status quo, from the majority to silence the movement. (Movement Quotes)
The parts of the [Civil Right] Movement we recognize so well now were not born from a single decision, but were a complicated and messy evolution of ideas and spirits, coming together after a long, hard struggle to triumph in moments when the odds seemed the longest. (Movement Quotes)
You cannot understand the politics of today without understanding the Civil Rights Movement and the role it played in our society. (Movement Quotes)
Rosa Parks was primed, she had the Civil Rights Movement behind her, she didn’t just decide to sit on the bus, it was strategic. (Movement Quotes)
Obviously, In The Heat Of The Night was a landmark movie because the timing was perfect. It was in the middle of the Civil Rights Movement. (Movement Quotes)
If Willie Nelson had been Rosa Parks, there never would have been a civil rights movement in this country, because he refuses to leave the back of the bus. (Movement Quotes)
What is needed in the world today is a Civil Rights Movement for the Soul, freeing humanity at last from the oppression of its belief in a violent, angry, and vindictive God. (Movement Quotes)
Everything African-Americans - every freedom they have obtained - came from Republicans, not Democrats. All the way back to the Emancipation Proclamation, to the Civil Rights movement. Civil Rights legislation was passed by a Republican Congress. (Movement Quotes)
I think art can really serve to inspire a movement - and, of course, it has in the past. The Civil Rights movement wouldn’t have the same resonance without the songs from everyone from Pete Seeger to Odetta to James Brown. (Movement Quotes)
We chose to frame March around the inauguration of Barack Obama because it was such an important moment in the story of the Civil Rights Movement. It wasn’t the fulfillment of Dr. [Martin Luther] King’s dream, but it was a major down payment. (Movement Quotes)
The civil rights movement in the United States was about the same thing, about equality of treatment for all sections of the people, and that is precisely what our movement was about. (Movement Quotes)
Anyone who said he wasn’t afraid during the civil rights movement was either a liar or without imagination. I was scared all the time. My hands didn’t shake but inside I was shaking. (Movement Quotes)
That’s what he was saying, the civil rights movement - judge me for my character, not how black my skin is, not how yellow my skin is, how short I am, how tall or fat or thin; It’s by my character. (Movement Quotes)