Movie Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s prejudice everywhere. I don’t think the music industry is as bad as the movie industry. But I have taken a few hits over the years for my sexuality, and for being honest about my life. In the end, it’s the music that rules the roost (Movie Quotes)
You know, I feel like my job is to write a book. Then filmmakers come and they make a movie. And they’re two really different art forms (Movie Quotes)
It’s inconceivable to some people that that wouldn’t be the sexiest thing to do in the whole world: to be a movie star, and make money, and be pampered, and whatever (Movie Quotes)
Every time I start the next movie, it’s as exciting as the first time (Movie Quotes)
When I watch a movie, I don’t make a sound or move. The more I’m into the movie, the more bored I look (Movie Quotes)
A book and a movie are different animals. You need a cinematic perspective to be involved in the motion pictures. And this is something I lack (Movie Quotes)
I wandered over across the hall where they were showing a short movie about vasectomies. Much later I told her that I’d actually gotten a vasectomy a long time ago, and somebody else must have gotten her pregnant. I also told her once that I had inoperable cancer and would soon be passed away and gone, eternally. But nothing I could think up, no matter how dramatic or horrible, ever made her repent or love me the way she had at first, before she really knew me (Movie Quotes)
Our subconscious works in metaphors, stories, and word play. That’s why a particular story or movie may mean more to some people than to others. Have you considered why you quest for this tale now? (Movie Quotes)
It is hard for me to imagine that I felt good about behaving like that. I also remember that the smallest gesture of affection would bring a lump to my throat, whether it was directed at me or at someone else. Sometimes all it took was a scene in a movie. This juxtaposition of callousness and extreme sensitivity seemed suspicious even to me (Movie Quotes)
Life is like a movie, if you’ve sat through more than half of it and it’s sucked every second so far, it probably isn’t going to get great right at the end and make it all worthwhile. None should blame you for walking out early (Movie Quotes)
Ohh! Wow!! Ohh!! Wow!! Those the only two words you know? Sounds like a dirty movie (Movie Quotes)
This boy has negative charisma. He walks into a room and the oxygen starts to evaporate. I guess that’s why girls sleep with him. They find his awfulness transfixing. He’s like a lousy 1970’s disaster movie that they can’t bring themselves to turn off, even though it is making their life worse every minute they leave it on (Movie Quotes)
A movie is better than real life because in the movies only the bad guys die. Or you can pick the good movies where the bad guys die and only those. If you get tricked and a good person dies in the movie then you can rewrite it in your head so the good person lives and the part about death is superfluous (Movie Quotes)
If they make me watch that movie one more time, I will fall down on my knees and beg for mercy (Movie Quotes)
When you are born without the ordinary feelings and emotions shared by most other human beings, life looks different to you. It seems at times like a movie you’re walking through, more a spectator than a participant. There is above all a lack of empathy with most of mankind, a sense of detachment. But with detachment comes perspective. The less you care, the more you know, and the more you know the less you care (Movie Quotes)
The movie is more real in so many ways than the life I am leading. No, that’s not true. I just desperately wish this was only a movie (Movie Quotes)
She’s a smart woman. I love that. Intelligence is a wonderful and powerful aphrodisiac. To me, it enhances beauty, makes an ordinary woman look like a movie star (Movie Quotes)
I still think about the letter you asked me to write. It nags at me, even though you’re gone and there’s no one to give it to anymore. Sometimes I work on it in my head, trying to map out the story you asked me to tell, about everything that happened this past fall and winter. It’s all still there, like a movie I can watch when I want to. Which is never (Movie Quotes)
Life’s like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending. We’ve done just what we set out to do. Thanks to the lovers, the dreamers and you (Movie Quotes)
I think so, too. I know I felt that way. For years. It was as if I was a character in a movie and the real action was about to start at any minute. But I think some people wait forever, and only at the end of their lives do they realize that their life has happened while they were waiting for it to start (Movie Quotes)
Maybe my movie isn’t over, I say, because sometimes moviemakers trick the audience with a false bad ending, and just when you think the movie is going to end badly, something dramatic happens, which leads to the happy ending. This seems like a good spot for something dramatic to happen, especially since it’s my birthday (Movie Quotes)
The only place where you can be a dictator and still be loved is on the movie set (Movie Quotes)
Whether it was making my bed or making a movie, my mother and father never hesitated to say how proud they were of me, and that means so very much to a child (Movie Quotes)
If you go running, you put on sneakers. When you go bowling, you take your personal bowling balls with you. In much the same fashion, it won’t be long before you have your special sunglasses to take to the movie theater (Movie Quotes)
Because people see violence on the movie screen, they’re not going to go out and hold up a liquor store and kill somebody. It really doesn’t correlate (Movie Quotes)
Physics is very muddled again at the moment; it is much too hard for me anyway, and I wish I were a movie comedian or something like that and had never heard anything about physics! (Movie Quotes)
There is a time for scientists and movie stars and those who have flown the atlantic to restrain their opinions lest they be taken more seriously than they should be (Movie Quotes)
There’s definitely a lot of trash that comes with the prize of being famous. It’s a nice gift, but there’s a lot of wrapping and paper and junk to cut through. Back then, when a movie came out and people saw you on the street, their reaction was so supercharged that it was scary. It would frighten other people. It used to really rattle me. I mean, everybody would love to have their clothes torn off by a mob of girls, but being screamed at is different (Movie Quotes)
Models are like baseball players. We make a lot of money quickly, but all of a sudden we’re 30 years old, we don’t have a college education, we’re qualified for nothing, and we’re used to a very nice lifestyle. The best thing is to marry a movie star (Movie Quotes)
If there’s anything disgusting about the movie business, it’s the whoredom of my peers (Movie Quotes)