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I like movies that are scary, but I don’t want them to be dirt dumb. I want a movie that gets my blood racing, makes me laugh, but also gives me something to think about, with maybe a little sexy thrown in. Hollywood doesn’t make movies like that  (Movie Quotes) I am always surprised at what movie studios think people will want to see. I’m even more surprised at how often they are correct  (Movie Quotes) I think I probably think about myself as an actor, which is the way most people do. I think I’m good, I don’t think I’m great. I think I would hire somebody else to play me in the movie about me  (Movie Quotes) I really want to do a western film. It’s one of my favorite movie genres of all time  (Movie Quotes) The point is that life for me is not going to be the way it is for everyone else. I have a fog machine and movie lights in my bedroom  (Movie Quotes) I have fun acting, and I want to do more of it, and I want to direct my own movie  (Movie Quotes) One might say that our words are a movie screen that reveals what we have been thinking and the attitudes we have  (Movie Quotes) Everyone wants to be a movie star or a model, to be in the papers, but few realise just what hard work it is, getting up early, and so on  (Movie Quotes) If there ever is a struggle, making a good movie will always supersede the need to be noble  (Movie Quotes) The movie theater is never going away. If that was a case why are there still restaurants? People still have kitchens in their home!  (Movie Quotes) You know we are flawed people, so if someone is going to make a movie about me, they don’t have to make it up. My real flaws are much funnier  (Movie Quotes) I think as a filmmaker my first contribution would just be to make a good movie that people would love to see and leave the theatre charged, with a sense of excitement  (Movie Quotes) Any nominations a movie gets helps to raise the level of curiosity in the public, so in that sense awards and nominations are important  (Movie Quotes) A movie about a weak, vulnerable woman can be feminist if it shows a real person that we can empathize with  (Movie Quotes) I don’t think about being famous, really. Being an author, I don’t generally get stopped as I walk down the street. It’s not like being a movie star  (Movie Quotes) When the movie comes out, what anybody thinks of it doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t go to the wrap party. I don’t go to the premiere  (Movie Quotes) The way you write a screenplay is that you close your eyes and run the movie in your head and then you write it down  (Movie Quotes) If you go to a bad movie, it’s two hours. If you’re in a bad movie, it’s two years  (Movie Quotes) For me, there is nothing more valuable than how people feel in a movie theater about a movie  (Movie Quotes) I dream for a living. Once a month the sky falls on my head, I come to, and I see another movie I want to make  (Movie Quotes) I think in terms of chapters. Every time I finish a movie, it’s a chapter. When one of my kids graduates from school, that’s a chapter  (Movie Quotes) Making a movie and not directing the little moments is like drinking a soda and leaving the little slurp puddle for someone else  (Movie Quotes) When I don’t have a movie, I don’t take a job just for the sake of working. I just sit it out until I find something I’m passionate about  (Movie Quotes) Because television doesn’t offer the kind of budget that a movie offers, you’ve got to be a little more careful where you spend the money to put the fiction in science  (Movie Quotes) I think that a movie can only be an adjunct or only a supplement to books, to different points of view, to scholars, historians and your own teachers  (Movie Quotes) I usually do about five cuts as a director. I haven’t ever directed a film where I haven’t made five passes through the movie, and that takes a long time  (Movie Quotes) My filmmaking really began with technology. It began through technology, not through telling stories, because my 8mm movie camera was the way into whatever I decided to do  (Movie Quotes) You can’t start a movie by having the attitude that the script is finished, because if you think the script is finished, your movie is finished before the first day of shooting  (Movie Quotes) When I’m doing a movie, I eat the same thing every day. For lunch, it’s tuna salad or chicken salad and cole slaw. That’s it. For dinner it’s either veal and rice, fish and rice or steak and rice. It gets boring; boy, does it get boring  (Movie Quotes) You don’t always just have to do an indie movie to feel like you’re controlling it with a few people that you really have connected with, creatively. You can do it on a bigger scale  (Movie Quotes)
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