Moving Quotes

Text Quotes
... to keep moving up..., you have to abandon the security of that ledge and reach for another hold. Letting go of that sense of security.. is the challenge... think of yourself as climbing a ladder. To move to the next rung, you must give up your grip and reach for the next one (Moving Quotes)
Your beautiful mouth was moving like a caterpillar. I reached out and tried to catch it (Moving Quotes)
Lost in my dreams, I somehow cross at the traffic signals, bumping into street lamps or people, yet moving onward, exuding fumes of beer and grime, yet smiling, because my briefcase is full of books and that very night I expect them to tell me things about myself I don’t know (Moving Quotes)
The things that really shake the human soul aren’t beauty or kindness. Although such things are certainly moving, but those feelings don’t last long. But... anger or sadness are different. They leave an undelible mark. Even after the wound heals... you can never forget the pain completely (Moving Quotes)
For the most part wisdom comes in chips rather than blocks. You have to be willing to gather them constantly, and from sources you never imagined to be probable. No one chip gives you the answer for everything. No one chip stays in the same place throughout your entire life. The secret is to keep adding voices, adding ideas, and moving things around as you put together your life. If you’re lucky, putting together your life is a process that will last through every single day you’re alive (Moving Quotes)
For someone grieving, moving forward is the challenge. Because after extreme loss, you want to go back (Moving Quotes)
I wanted to be wanted and he was very beautiful, kissed with his eyes closed, and only felt good while moving. You could drown in those eyes, I said, so it’s summer, so it’s suicide, so we’re helpless in sleep and struggling at the bottom of the pool (Moving Quotes)
We are an industry that has historically been at the forefront of defining new media environments in ways that benefit consumers and move our entire business model forward. We must ensure that while we are moving quickly, we are also moving smartly (Moving Quotes)
A step in the wrong direction is better than staying on the spot all our life. Once you’re moving forward you can correct your course as you go. Your automatic guidance system cannot guide you when you’re standing still (Moving Quotes)
Moving on after a break up is a great way to get back on your feet and start feeling happy again (Moving Quotes)
The key is to listen to your heart and let it carry you in the direction of your dreams. I’ve learned that it’s possible to set your sights high and achieve your dreams and do it with integrity, character, and love. And each day that you’re moving toward your dreams without compromising who you are, you’re winning (Moving Quotes)
Let’s say you have $1,000,000 tied up in your little company and suddenly your advertising isn’t working and sales are going down. And everything depends on it. Your future depends on it, your family’s future depends on it, other people’s families depend on it. Now, what do you want from me? Fine writing? Or do you want to see the goddamned sales curve stop moving down and start moving up? (Moving Quotes)
... there is simply nothing so important to a people and its government as how many of them there are, whether their number is growing or declining, how they are distributed as between different ages, sexes, and different social classes and racial and ethnic groups, and again, which way these numbers are moving (Moving Quotes)
A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself (Moving Quotes)
When you’re having trouble and topping the ball, it means the ground is moving on you (Moving Quotes)
Too much of our work amounts to the drudgery of arranging means toward ends, mechanically placing the right foot in front of the left and the left in front of the right, moving down narrow corridors toward narrow goals. Play widens the halls. Work will always be with us, and many works are worthy. But the worthiest works of all often reflect an artful creativity that looks more like play than work (Moving Quotes)
Basketball is a sport that involves the subtle interweaving of players at full speed to the point where they are thinking and moving as one (Moving Quotes)
A garden is the mirror of a mind. It is a place of life, a mystery of green moving to the pulse of the year, and pressing on and pausing the whole to its own inherent rhythms (Moving Quotes)
Is hockey hard? I don’t know, you tell me. We need to have the strength and power of a football player, the stamina of a marathon runner, and the concentration of a brain surgeon. But we need to put all this together while moving at high speeds on a cold and slippery surface while 5 other guys use clubs to try and kill us. Oh yeah, did I mention that this whole time we’re standing on blades 1/8 of an inch thick? Is ice hockey hard? I don’t know, you tell me. Next question (Moving Quotes)
This market right now is moving on nothing more than emotions. Guess what? It almost always moves on emotions (Moving Quotes)
Love is an element which though physically unseen is as real as air or water. It is an acting, living, moving force... it moves in waves and currents like those of the ocean (Moving Quotes)
I need relationships, but sometimes when I am in one I feel claustrophobic. It is about feeling that I still have my freedom, that I have choices. I don’t look back on the past because I like to live in the present. I know this makes some people think I probably never cared, but I need my freedom and I like to keep moving (Moving Quotes)
The universe is an asymmetrical entity. I am inclined to believe that life as it is manifested to us must be a function of the asymmetry of the universe or of the consequence of this fact. The universe is asymmetrical; for if one placed the entire set of bodies that compose the solar system, each moving in its own way, before a mirror, the image shown would not be superimposable on the reality (Moving Quotes)
An active line on a walk, moving freely, without goal. A walk for a walk’s sake (Moving Quotes)
An observer situated in a nebula and moving with the nebula will observe the same properties of the universe as any other similarly situated observer at any time (Moving Quotes)
Communication does not depend on syntax, or eloquence, or rhetoric, or articulation but on the emotional context in which the message is being heard. People can only hear you when they are moving toward you, and they are not likely to when your words are pursuing them (Moving Quotes)
It’s sort of like, our bodies are designed to keep moving, and when we don’t move it, we’re not going to feel great (Moving Quotes)
We must be open to our mistakes and grow. Growth isn’t based on being perfect, but moving toward the best we can be by being honest (Moving Quotes)
I have learned that there is no failure in running, or in life, as long as you keep moving. It’s not about speed. And gold medals. It’s about refusing to be stopped. you might find that one particular direction proves difficult, but there are many directions on a compass. Infinite, in fact. As long as you keep searching, you’ll find your winning way (Moving Quotes)
Yes, creation is moving toward us; life is moving toward us all the time. We back away, but it keeps pushing toward us. Why not step forward and greet it (Moving Quotes)