Moving Quotes

Text Quotes
It takes time to get where you want to be, but if you stay on the right path and keep moving, eventually you will get there (Moving Quotes)
When things slow down a bit, that’s just life telling you that you’re moving too fast. Slow down and enjoy every moment of your life (Moving Quotes)
Just because you miss someone doesn’t mean you need them back in your life. Sometimes missing is just a part of moving on (Moving Quotes)
Holding on is being brave, but letting go and moving on is often what makes us stronger and happier (Moving Quotes)
You have a way of moving me, a force of nature your energy. It comes naturally (Moving Quotes)
It’s impossible to forget a love that has given you so much joy or has caused you so much pain, but that doesn’t mean moving on isn’t possible (Moving Quotes)
It’s probably good for your body and brain to get moving occasionally (Moving Quotes)
Your best won’t be good enough for some people. Keep it moving, they’ll miss you when you’re gone! (Moving Quotes)
Nobody says that moving on is easy. It’s hard, cause it’s the right thing to do. Let go of sad memories to embrace happy ones (Moving Quotes)
The hardest part about growing up is letting go of what you were used to, and moving on with something you’re not (Moving Quotes)
Life is like riding a bike: to keep your balance, you must keep moving forward (Moving Quotes)
You might need time to think it over, but I’m just fine moving forward (Moving Quotes)
Sometimes people try and put you down to build their own ego. Pray for them and keep moving! (Moving Quotes)
Success is directly connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit (Moving Quotes)
Since the real election seems to be about binders, bayonets and big yellow birds, I’m moving on to fake elections (Moving Quotes)
Stop worrying about people who aren’t in your life anymore. There’s a good reason they didn’t make it. Keep moving! (Moving Quotes)
People may be more forgiving than you can imagine. Learn to forgive yourself, let go of what’s bitter and keep moving! (Moving Quotes)
That’s the thing about driving: You’re alone but you’re everywhere. You’re standing still but moving really fast. It’s just like perspectives constantly changing (Moving Quotes)
Just because I forgive you, doesn’t mean I want you back. I’m forgiving, letting go and moving on to something better (Moving Quotes)
I just wish things were different or things played out differently. But. What’s done is done right? Keep moving forward (Moving Quotes)
While you were away at college we turned your room into a place we don’t want you moving back into (Moving Quotes)
I’m moving on with life. I don’t really need you anymore, I want to thank you, for everything you’ve done. You’ve turned me into a nervous wreck (Moving Quotes)
Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve. Perfection is constant transformation (Moving Quotes)
You can waste time crying over spilled milk, or you can simply wipe it up and keep moving (Moving Quotes)
Live each day like it’s a new challenge, don’t let the obstacles of yesterday stop you from moving forward (Moving Quotes)
Moving on is the first stage to free yourself from the past while the last stage is letting go (Moving Quotes)
I’m moving on. No more waiting, no more hurt. If you wanted me, you could’ve had me, but you didn’t. You blew your chance (Moving Quotes)
Moving on isn’t about never looking back. It’s about taking a glance at yesterday and noticing how much you’ve grown since then (Moving Quotes)
Moving on is not about not looking back. It’s taking a glance at yesterday, and seeing how much you have grown since then (Moving Quotes)
Without forgiveness, wounds can never be healed, and moving on can never be accomplished (Moving Quotes)