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I sleep till one, and I’m always surprised when someone in blue rinse on a talk show says, ‘You’re a genius, Mr. Newley, you do so many things.’ Tony Newley never realized his potential, did the things he should have done.  (Mr Quotes) Here it comes, she said with an expression of pure bliss. Drug rush ... any moment now ... the surge of warmth ... bye-bye, Mr. Pain... Vee- Knock, knock. This is really important- Knock, knock. It’s about Elliot- Knock, knoooock, she said in a singsong voice. I sighed. Who’s there? Boo. Boo who? Boo-hoo, somebody’s crying, and it’s not me! She broke into hysterical laughter.  (Mr Quotes) Box-office poison? Mr. Louis B. Mayer always asserted that the studio had built Stage 22, Stage 24 and the Irving Thalberg Building, brick by brick, from the income on my pictures.  (Mr Quotes) Dear Mr. Henshaw’ came about because two different boys from different parts of the country asked me to write a book about a boy whose parents were divorced, and so I wrote ‘Dear Mr. Henshaw,’ and it won the Newbery, and I was - it’s been very popular.  (Mr Quotes) It has taken me a long time to work out the function of ex-boyfriends, at least for me: how they can help you work out what you want from life and from a partner by showing you what you don’t. If a man is your ex, it’s better all round if he was not Mr. Right.  (Mr Quotes) I think if you ask what people really mean by happiness today, it is the experience of unlimited consumption - the kind of thing Mr. Huxley described in Brave New World.  (Mr Quotes) After spending the last few years working on a serious novel set in Chechnya, I was drawn to both the brevity and casualness of Twitter, and wrote a series of tweets titled ‘The Erotic Inner Life of Mr. Bates from Downton Abbey.’  (Mr Quotes) The Commissioner was correct to ban Mr. Sterling from all official NBA business, to levy the stiffest allowable fine, and we will support his recommendation to press for Mr. Sterling to relinquish his ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers franchise.  (Mr Quotes) It’s nice to have a few names. I use a few names myself. I use a few different surnames. I call myself James sometimes. I actually use my mother’s name as a professional name. But if someone calls me Mr. Murphy or Mr. Gillen, I don’t like that. I don’t like being called ‘mister,’ and I don’t like being called ‘sir.’  (Mr Quotes) I feel as though the camera is almost a kind of voyeur in Mr. Bean’s life, and you just watch this bizarre man going about his life in the way that he wants to.  (Mr Quotes) ... If Mr. Kennedy does not like Socialism, we do not like imperialism. We do not like Capitalism.  (Mr Quotes) Mr. Trump’s a good man, but he doesn’t know much about the health care system.  (Mr Quotes) It’s not enough to have a strategy for success. Great strategy is available for free online for everything from career success to meeting Mr. or Ms. Right. You must also tell yourself the right story.  (Mr Quotes) Mr. Cat and Mr. Dog were neighbors who fought like, well, cats and dogs. That is until Mr. Rat moved in. It’s fascinating how easily two enemies ally at the introduction of a third.  (Mr Quotes) The entire Nintendo group will carry on the spirit of Mr. Yamauchi by honoring, in our approach to entertainment, the sense of value he has taught us -- that there is merit in doing what is different -- and at the same time, by changing Nintendo in accordance with changing times  (Mr Quotes) Who that man in the black Sedan With two cheap hookers and a Mexican Pumpin’ white lines, sippin’ warm Coors Light Mickey Avalon, call me Mr. Right  (Mr Quotes) For me, ‘Bookends’ marks the start of my foray into commercial fiction, away from what has always been thought of as more traditional chick lit - single girl in the city trips around in Manolos looking for Mr. Right.  (Mr Quotes) I also really liked playing Mr. Tumnus in ‘Narnia’. I got to play my favorite character in children’s literature, which I loved. You don’t get the chance to do that in other jobs.  (Mr Quotes) As a child of eight Mr. Trout had once kissed a girl of six under the mistletoe at a Christmas party, but there his sex life had come to abrupt halt.  (Mr Quotes) You don’t have to know anything about the Shakers to appreciate Mr. Copland’s score for ‘Appalachian Spring’ any more than you have to know who William Randolph Hearst was to understand ‘Citizen Kane.’  (Mr Quotes) Mr. Luskin also says that Rove did not knowingly disclose classified information and did not tell any reporters that Valerie Plame worked for the C.I.A.  (Mr Quotes) My idea of good company, Mr. Eliot, is the company of clever, well-informed people who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company.  (Mr Quotes) Is the prison that Mr. Scoundrel lives in at the end of his career a more uncomfortable place than the workhouse that Mr. Honesty lives in at the end of his career?  (Mr Quotes) While many of Mr. Obama’s ideas warrant skepticism, conservative opposition to any expanded role for government is a mistake.  (Mr Quotes) I have just realized that it is due to you, and to Mr. James Thomas and his staff of the Army Navy Country Club that the putting green here on the White House lawn is already in such excellent condition. I assure you that I get a great deal of pleasure and relaxation out of using the green in an occasional late afternoon hour . . .  (Mr Quotes) Justice must be done in investigating the tragic death of Mr. Freddie Gray. His family deserves our deepest sympathy and respect for their loss, and our admiration for their courage in calling us, as a city, to act as our better selves.  (Mr Quotes) I don’t have any labels for myself, really. Sometimes, when I am out with my wife, I am just Mr. Thompson. Or at my daughter’s school, I’m Gaia’s dad. I don’t think of myself as Greg Wise, actor.  (Mr Quotes) Mr. Balanchine wanted me to be myself. He didn’t want me to look like anyone else. I love teaching our company dancers the Balanchine ballets. I try to give them what was passed down to me and what I learned from him. They dance it so beautifully. It also keeps me close to Mr. Balanchine. He’s with me every single day.  (Mr Quotes) Yes, it was dangerous, but we are not put into this world, Mr. Burton, to avoid danger when an important fellow creature’s life is at stake. You understand me?  (Mr Quotes) If you want the extra-ordinary, you’ve got to be willing to forsake the ordinary’ - Annie Grimes in Mr Alhourani’s Dead Man’s Spots  (Mr Quotes)
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