Mr Quotes

Text Quotes
I met Mr. Hoover socially. I never talked to him about anything connected with his work. We just met him (Mr Quotes)
We provided complete protection to witnesses - right of attorney, right of record, right to cross - examine, and open hearing if they desired. Only Mr. Lane asked for an open hearing (Mr Quotes)
When Mr Ackroyd says that in the 18th century, stranglers bit off the noses of their victims, I feel that he probably knows what he is talking about. I just wish he hadn’t told me (Mr Quotes)
I have one show biz picture in my house. It’s with Mr. Hope. I have asked for one autograph in my life: Mr. Hope’s (Mr Quotes)
The original suit was designed by a guy named Mr. Jay from Hollywood. But nowadays I’m having the suit duplicated. At this point I have about three good suits and about three really raggedy ones (Mr Quotes)
Surely I’m not the only person to ask the obvious question: How different, really, is Mr. Madoff’s tale from the story of the investment industry as a whole? (Mr Quotes)
You got a little bit of an attitude, Mr. English, if you don’t mind my saying so. I don’t mind (Mr Quotes)
Cause there’s nothing, there’s nothing you can teach me That I can’t learn from Mr. Hathaway (Mr Quotes)
Mr False Pretence, you don’t make sense I just don’t know you But you make me cry, where’s my kiss goodbye I think I love you (Mr Quotes)
Does it strike you, Mr. Keller, that we live every day in the science fiction of our youth? (Mr Quotes)
I am practically in the employ of Mr. Nobel. I have to meet everyone he sends my way (Mr Quotes)
Oh man, nobody is as tough as Mr T. Ice T is pretty tough though as well (Mr Quotes)
Obviously, anyone who has seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith knows that husband and wife married spies is something that I find particularly interesting (Mr Quotes)
Mr. Bean is at his best when he is not using words, but I am equally at home in both verbal and nonverbal expression (Mr Quotes)
Mr. Speaker, the time for an increase in the minimum wage has not just arrived; it is long overdue (Mr Quotes)
Mr. Fulbright hasn’t said anything new or interesting or clever in five years; his intellectual well dried up the day after Walter Lippmann stopped writing his regular column (Mr Quotes)
Mr. Chairman, I think the record should show that for the first time since McKinley, we have a Republican president worth shooting, and I think that’s a good sign (Mr Quotes)
Now that Mr. Carter has made a book of his diary, an adoring memoir entitled Keeping Faith, the notes read like a collection of letters sent from scout camp (Mr Quotes)
It could well be the end of justice in America. Do not let Mr. Reagan get his hands on that court (Mr Quotes)
As for borrowing Mr. Whistler’s ideas about art, the only thoroughly original ideas I have heard him express have had reference to his own superiority as a painter over painters greater than himself (Mr Quotes)
Mr. Cooper said to me that he had an idea for a film in mind. The only thing he’d tell me was that I was going to have the tallest, darkest leading man in Hollywood. Naturally, I thought of Clark Gable (Mr Quotes)
I listen to a lot of 80s stuff, like Owner of a Lonely Heart, by the group Yes. And Mr. Misters Broken Wings (Mr Quotes)
If I talk to a woman for more than five minutes I can tell you exactly whether she’s an Aidan girl or a Mr. Big girl. Aidan girls are more interested in nurturing relationships and building a nest while Mr. Big girls are more about show and having fun (Mr Quotes)
One day I was asked to pick up $50,000 worth of gold chains for Mr. T. For real! (Mr Quotes)
Josh Hanagarne has an astonishing story to tell, and he does so with insight, humor, grace, and wonder. All human beings suffer and struggle. Through the lens of his own miraculous experiences, Mr. Hanagarne illuminates the path to joy and the infinite possibilities of transcendence (Mr Quotes)
Mrs. Lammle’s manner changed under the poor silly girl’s embraces, and she turned extremely pale: directing one appealing look, first to Mrs. Boffin, and then to Mr. Boffin. Both understood her instantly, with a more delicate subtlety than much better educated people, whose perception came less directly from the heart, could have brought to bear upon the case (Mr Quotes)
Mr. and Mrs. Boffin sat staring at mid-air, and Mrs. Wilfer sat silently giving them to understand that every breath she drew required to be drawn with a self-denial rarely paralleled in history (Mr Quotes)
As long as it served his purpose, Mr. Lincoln boldly advocated the right of Secession (Mr Quotes)
In making up my mind as to what Mr. Lincoln really believed, I do not take into consideration the evidence of unnamed persons or the contents of anonymous letters; I take the testimony of those who knew and loved him, of those to whom he opened his heart and to whom he spoke in the freedom of perfect confidence (Mr Quotes)
Mr. Roosevelt, this is my principal request--it is almost the last request I shall ever make of anybody. Before you leave the presidential chair, recommend Congress to submit to the Legislatures a Constitutional Amendment which will enfranchise women, and thus take your place in history with Lincoln, the great emancipator. I beg of you not to close your term of office without doing this (Mr Quotes)