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Mtv Quotes

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If you listen to a song and get an image in your head, and then you go home and watch mtv and the image they’re showing is the same as the one in your head, kill yourself. You’re better off coming back as a lobster  (Mtv Quotes) MTV definitely has the effect of narrowing the range of music that hits the mainstream. On the other hand, isn’t that the effect of television in general?  (Mtv Quotes) MTV lets us do whatever we want. For me, there is freedom in serving an experienced client who knows what they want and has the money to do it. MTV is that for us  (Mtv Quotes) NC-17 means that you get it in like 3 theaters. They won’t run the spots on MTV, won’t run the advertising. It’s the kiss of death so there was really no other choice  (Mtv Quotes) The young people have MTV and rock and roll. Why would they go to read poetry? Poetry belongs to the Stone Age. It awakens in us perceptions that go back to those times  (Mtv Quotes) I’m wide open and will entertain anything anybody has to say, but if it’s MTV and radio, well, they’re great things, but can’t be the only thing. I don’t know that it would work even for the Beatles  (Mtv Quotes) Until MTV, television had not been a huge influence on music. To compete with MTV, the country music moguls felt they had to appeal to the same young audience and do it the way MTV did  (Mtv Quotes) I’ve been to MTV and all of that worldly stuff. It’s death. It’s meaningless  (Mtv Quotes) I could not do the film Spinal Tap because I was already at MTV and it was occupying all my time  (Mtv Quotes) 4Shbab has been dubbed Islamic MTV. Its creator, who is an Egyptian TV producer called Ahmed Abu Haiba, wants young people to be inspired by Islam to lead better lives. He reckons the best way to get that message across is to use the enormously popular medium of music videos. 4Shbab was set up as an alternative to existing Arab music channels.  (Mtv Quotes) I think we have replaced MTV. MySpace is more convenient. You can search for things, while MTV is just delivering things to you. On MySpace you can pick your own channel and go where you want  (Mtv Quotes) MTV Awards are fun - it’s MTV! You never know what’s going to happen. It’s a slice of pop culture in the moment, and you can’t take it too seriously  (Mtv Quotes) Tom Ford just started at Gucci and was getting great notoriety - like Madonna wearing that head-to-toe velvet suit at the MTV awards. I remember it like it was yesterday  (Mtv Quotes) Maybe it’s because I grew up during the MTV generation, but to me a perfect song is one I can imagine a music video to, a song that can take you into a dream  (Mtv Quotes) When I auditioned for the show, I didn’t realize it was an MTV production, which is going to make for really good tunes during the episodes, if nothing else  (Mtv Quotes) Perhaps Western civilization is in a post-decline phase, or maybe the decline is just taking a really long time, like the Roman Empire’s did. The Romans had gladiators and Christian-hungry lions and that sort of thing. We have MTV  (Mtv Quotes) Music and fashion have had a kind of incestuous relationship since the Fifties. It started with people like Elvis Presley and pop icons like James Dean. Then it exploded in the MTV days. Now, with the Internet, it’s instantaneous  (Mtv Quotes) What is MTV doing and what is the hegemonic culture industry promoting in gangsta rap? It is the glorification of violence for the sake of violence, the violence itself, like consumption for the sake of consumption, hypermasculinity writ-large with an adapted potency  (Mtv Quotes) I think that video content is really important for artists these days. Not necessarily for MTV, but to really just get your name out there as a business card. Nowadays, when people want to hear a new song by an artist they immediately go to YouTube. Stream it  (Mtv Quotes)
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