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Muddle Quotes

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Every novel should have a beginning, a muddle, and an end  (Muddle Quotes) Many modern novels have a beginning, a muddle and an end  (Muddle Quotes) Muddle is the extra unknown personality in any committee  (Muddle Quotes) Love is fragile. And we’re not always its best caretakers. We just muddle through and do the best we can. And hope this fragile thing survives against all odds  (Muddle Quotes) Life was a damned muddle - a football game with everyone offside and the referee gotten rid of - everyone claiming the referee would have been on his side.  (Muddle Quotes) If men understood domestic economy half as well as women do, then their political economy and their entire consequent statecraft would not be the futil muddle which it is.  (Muddle Quotes) Love is fragile. And we’re not always its best caretakers. We just muddle through and do the best we can. And hope this fragile thing survives against all odds.  (Muddle Quotes) Some people find clarity threatening. They like muddle, confusion, obscurity. So when somebody does no more than speak clearly it sounds threatening  (Muddle Quotes) You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you  (Muddle Quotes) Far too many relied on the classic formula of a beginning, a muddle, and an end  (Muddle Quotes) As usual, I’m overstating the case to knock a few neurons loose, but the truth is usually somewhere in the muddle, uh, middle  (Muddle Quotes) I think we’re still in a muddle with our language, because once you get words and a spoken language it gets harder to communicate  (Muddle Quotes) The world in which we live can be understood as a result of muddle and accident; but if it is the outcome of deliberate purpose, the purpose must have been that of a fiend. For my part, I find accident a less painful and more plausible hypothesis  (Muddle Quotes) My dear if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs  (Muddle Quotes) He was a sociologist; he had got into an intellectual muddle early on in life and never managed to get out  (Muddle Quotes) If the library in the morning suggests an echo of the severe and reasonable wishful order of the world, the library at night seems to rejoice in the world’s essential, joyful muddle  (Muddle Quotes) Corrupt, stupid grasping functionaries will make at least as big a muddle of socialism as stupid, selfish and acquisitive employers can make of capitalism  (Muddle Quotes) Only fools think they’re wise; the rest of us just muddle through as we can  (Muddle Quotes) Never explain what you do. It speaks for itself. You only muddle it by talking about it  (Muddle Quotes) My chosen instrument is guitar and, fortunately, I’m able to muddle through that. I can play guitar to the point where I can express myself artistically  (Muddle Quotes) If you are in a play, and you catch a cold, you are able to muddle through. If you are carrying a musical, it’s a different thing altogether. It’s the great fear of any singer’s life  (Muddle Quotes) Mathematics is so much easier than words mathematics makes things clear that words merely muddle and confuse and mess up  (Muddle Quotes) Humanity cannot afford to muddle through the rest of the twentieth century; the risks are too great, and the stakes are too high. This may be the last opportunity to choose our own and our descendants’ destiny. Failing to choose or making the wrong choices may lead to catastrophe. But it must never be forgotten that the right choices could lead to a much better world  (Muddle Quotes) If you ask me, what is helpful to creativity is training the eye to notice things, to observe closely and precisely, being careful not to make a muddle of it  (Muddle Quotes) Whit Meynell was a sociologist; he had got into an intellectual muddle early on in life and never managed to get out  (Muddle Quotes)