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Muffled Quotes

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A superb tenor voice, like a silver trumpet muffled in silk  (Muffled Quotes) Protectiveness has often muffled the sound of doors closing against women  (Muffled Quotes) If the tools are bad, nature’s voice is muffled. If the tools are good, nature will give us a clear answer to a clear question  (Muffled Quotes) The muffled syllables that Nature speaksFill us with deeper longing for her word; She hides a meaning that the spirit seeks,She makes a sweeter music than is heard.  (Muffled Quotes) How bittersweet it is, on winter’s night, To listen, by the sputtering, smoking fire, As distant memories, through the fog-dimmed light, Rise, to the muffled chime of churchbell choir.  (Muffled Quotes) A sweet voice, a little indistinct and muffled, which caresses and does not thrill; an utterance which glides on without emphasis, and lays stress on what is deeply felt  (Muffled Quotes) There’s something so muffled about the way you experience things. It’s as if you were trying to slip through life unchanged  (Muffled Quotes) It’s like the grief has been covered over with some kind of blanket. It’s still there, but the sharpest edges are.. muffled, sort of. Then, ever now and then, I lift the corner of the blanket just to check, and.. whoa! Like a knife! I’m not sure that will ever change  (Muffled Quotes) The following general definition of an animal: a system of different organic molecules that have combined with one another, under the impulsion of a sensation similar to an obtuse and muffled sense of touch given to them by the creator of matter as a whole, until each one of them has found the most suitable position for its shape and comfort  (Muffled Quotes) Music fills the infinite between two souls. This has been muffled by the mist of our daily habits  (Muffled Quotes) Heaven walks among us ordinarily muffled in such triple or tenfold disguises that the wisest are deceived and no one suspects the days to be gods  (Muffled Quotes) The voice of our original self is often muffled, overwhelmed, even strangled, by the voices of other people’s expectations  (Muffled Quotes) To the solemn graves, near a lonely cemetery, my heart like a muffled drum is beating funeral marches  (Muffled Quotes) Today I live in the gray, muffled, smelless, puffy, tasteless half-world of those who have colds  (Muffled Quotes) Living in the modern world, clothed and muffled, forced to convey our sense of our bodies in terms of remote symbols like walking sticks and umbrellas and handbags, it is easy to lose sight of the immediacy of the human body plan  (Muffled Quotes) Every fairly intelligent person is aware that the price of respectability is a muffled soul bent on the trivial and the mediocre  (Muffled Quotes) All the fear in the world, and the violence that comes from the fear, and the hatred that comes from the violence, and the lonliness that comes from the hatred. All the unhappiness, all the cruelty, it gathers like clouds in the air, and grows dark and cold and heavy, and falls like grey snow in thick layers over the land. Then the world is muffled and numb, and no one can hear each other or feel each other. Think how sad and lonely that must be  (Muffled Quotes) In the dark colony of night, when I consider man’s magnificent capacity for malice, madness, folly, envy, rage, and destructiveness, and I wonder whether we shall not end up as breakfast for newts and polyps, I seem to hear the muffled cries of all the words in all the books with covers closed  (Muffled Quotes) We can see well into the past; we can guess shrewdly into the future; but that which is rolled up and muffled in impenetrable folds is today  (Muffled Quotes) The days... Come and go like muffled and veiled figures, sent from a distant friendly party; but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them as silently away  (Muffled Quotes) Well, you know... experience is a muffled lantern that throws light only on the bearer... it's incommunicable  (Muffled Quotes) The muffled syllables that nature speaks fill us with deeper longing for her word; she hides a meaning that the spirit seeks, she makes a sweeter music than is heard  (Muffled Quotes)