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Multiples Quotes

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A leader who produces other leaders multiples their influences  (Multiples Quotes) The man of science multiples the points of contact between man and nature  (Multiples Quotes) Does bad luck come in 3’s...or is it multiples of 3?  (Multiples Quotes) Tech stocks are trading at a 30-year-low when compared to the multiples of industrials (companies). It's the weirdest bubble when everyone hates everything  (Multiples Quotes) Compare... the various quantities of the same element contained in the molecule of the free substance and in those of all its different compounds and you will not be able to escape the following law: The different quantities of the same element contained in different molecules are all whole multiples of one and the same quantity, which always being entire, has the right to be called an atom  (Multiples Quotes) Eating, and hospitality in general, is a communion, and any meal worth attending by yourself is improved by the multiples of those with whom it is shared  (Multiples Quotes) Fear and euphoria are dominant forces, and fear is many multiples the size of euphoria. Bubbles go up very slowly as euphoria builds. Then fear hits, and it comes down very sharply. When I started to look at that, I was sort of intellectually shocked. Contagion is the critical phenomenon which causes the thing to fall apart  (Multiples Quotes) I live in a small world of gouache and brush and pen and ink. I’d like to explore the world of multiples - etching and prints  (Multiples Quotes) Education is the great growth industry of the Third World. Since the Second World War, we have multiplied the number of children in school by four, with even larger multiples for secondary and university education.  (Multiples Quotes) I’d rather have a pencil and paper and do all my own calculations rather than rely on a machine. And I’ll do most calculations in double digit multiples as quick as the machine.  (Multiples Quotes) It’s one of the fundamental principles of the stock market: When interest rates go up, stocks go down. And along with financial companies and cyclicals, technology companies - with their sky-high price-to-earnings multiples - should be among the biggest losers in an environment of rising rates.  (Multiples Quotes) One of the best investors around, Joel Greenblatt, has written a popular, charming and funny book about investing in great companies at low P/E multiples. To simplify an already simple book, great companies are generally measured as companies that can generate lots of profit without requiring a lot of capital. This means that they have high ROEs.  (Multiples Quotes)