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Municipal Quotes

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Our financial ills will never be settled till you fix it so every man will pay an income tax on what he earns, be it a farm, grocery store or municipal or government bonds  (Municipal Quotes) Our financial ills will never be settled till you fix it so every man will pay an income tax on what he earns, be it a farm, grocery store or municipal or government bonds.  (Municipal Quotes) In the United States, under 3 percent of municipal food waste - so that’s the food scraps that goes into people’s garbage cans - actually gets recycled. If you go to a place like South Korea, the exact reverse is the case. It’s about 3 percent that doesn’t get recycled.  (Municipal Quotes) Municipal networks expand economic opportunities. We’ve got to open new doors, not slam them shut.  (Municipal Quotes) As it happens, Chicago is the nation’s leader in municipal privatization efforts. That’s right: The city that conservatives portray as the citadel of the power-grabbing, government-growing left has been selling itself off in pieces for years. It signed a 99-year lease for the Chicago Skyway, a toll road in the city’s South Side, back in 2005.  (Municipal Quotes) There are great municipal investments out there, but on a blanket basis you have to be really careful about knowing what cash flows are supporting your investments.  (Municipal Quotes) I’ve always had a very positive relationship with the municipal labor unions - a respectful relationship.  (Municipal Quotes) I know that a prime minister of Canada needs to be deeply respectful of the other levels of government - whether it be municipal, provincial, or even nation-to-nation relationships with aboriginal governments.  (Municipal Quotes) In Rio we built a Center of Operations, a situation room that gathers information from municipal departments and allows us to manage and help decision-making. I can check the weather, the traffic and the location of city’s waste collection trucks. Each of 4,000 buses in the city has a camera connected to the situation room  (Municipal Quotes) You know, if you look back in the 1930s, the money went to infrastructure. The bridges, the municipal buildings, the roads, those were all built with stimulus money spent on infrastructure. This stimulus bill has fundamentally gone, started out with a $500 rebate check, remember. That went to buy flat-screen TVs made in China  (Municipal Quotes) Local assemblies of the people constitute the strength of free nations. Municipal institutions are to liberty what primary schools are to science: they bring it within the people’s reach, and teach them how to use and enjoy it. A nation may establish a system of free government, but without the spirit of municipal institutions it cannot have the spirit of liberty  (Municipal Quotes) When politics enter into municipal government, nothing resulting therefrom in the way of crimes and infamies is then incredible. It actually enables one to accept and believe the impossible  (Municipal Quotes) Municipal laws are a supply to the wisdom of each individual; and, at the same time, by restraining the natural liberty of men, make private interest submit to the interest of the public  (Municipal Quotes) My view is that good community management is like having good municipal government: You should be able to have dissenting opinions and so on, freedom of speech, but your grandmother should also be able to walk down the street at night without having to worry about getting mugged  (Municipal Quotes) The state governments have a full superintendence and control over the immense mass of local interests of their respective states, which connect themselves with the feelings, the affections, the municipal institutions, and the internal arrangements of the whole population. They possess, too, the immediate administration of justice in all cases, civil and criminal, which concern the property, personal rights, and peaceful pursuits of their own citizens  (Municipal Quotes) Public borrowing is costly these days, true, but interest rates on municipal bonds are still considerably lower than those borne by corporate debt  (Municipal Quotes) Municipal networks expand economic opportunities. We’ve got to open new doors, not slam them shut  (Municipal Quotes) Home after midnight from a debate on the wording of a minor municipal bylaw on bottle recycling, he felt like he was a pin in the hinge of power  (Municipal Quotes)