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Muscles Quotes

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The face... always the face. The body can [have] muscles or [be] too skinny -- I don’t care.  (Muscles Quotes) It really helps if you’ve got something like cycling, walking, running or swimming that can let your body release all that tension and keep your muscles fit.  (Muscles Quotes) You can train your mental strength just like you train your body. If your body looks fit or ripped, it looks strong, and you can flex your muscles. So, physically, you have a certain strength. Mentally, it’s the same thing. You can train your psychological strength.  (Muscles Quotes) It’s wrong to believe that you need a certain physical body type to run. All body types can run. It’s not about your legs, muscles, or cellulite. It’s not about the physical side of things. If you train your brain, your body will follow. It’s that simple. The hard part isn’t getting your body in shape. The hard part is getting your mind in shape.  (Muscles Quotes) Working out is incredibly boring. I swear it’s true that the bigger your muscles get, the fewer brain cells you have.  (Muscles Quotes) In Buenos Aires, I have a very close friend who speaks very good English, and she taught me. It was quite difficult because the muscles of your mouth are used to your language, and then when you want to speak another language, they don’t go to the place they need to go to make the sound.  (Muscles Quotes) Obviously, with a CGI character, you’re building a character in much the same way as a real creature is built. You build the bones, the skeletons, the muscles. You put layers of fat on. You put a layer of skin on which has to have a translucency, depending on what the character is.  (Muscles Quotes) The whole vanity aspect of building up different muscles - I have no interest  (Muscles Quotes) I love team sports - they give me something to focus on rather than the fact that I can’t breathe or my muscles are aching.  (Muscles Quotes) You have to challenge yourself and your muscles. When you are really regimented, it’s the same over and over and you start to get comfortable. Switching up the style of training works your muscles differently.  (Muscles Quotes) Play exercises both your physical and creative muscles. It helps you move around, solve problems, challenge yourself, and think in new ways. Not to mention that it’s just plain fun.  (Muscles Quotes) Circuit training is a great way to go. Keeping the reps high and the weight low, you’ll tone your muscles without bulking up.  (Muscles Quotes) Discipline is strength to the muscles your heels will need to climb up the hills of greatness  (Muscles Quotes) To keep your he-man jaw muscles from smashing your precious teeth, the only set you have, the body evolved an automated braking system faster and more sophisticated than anything on a Lexus. The jaw knows its own strength. The faster and more recklessly you close your mouth, the less force the muscles are willing to apply.  (Muscles Quotes) Cleansed, chlorinated to the point of chemical peel, sore muscles relieved, I felt almost human again. Tiptoe to my room, up a darkened hall, past closed doors, I wondered if I’d ever feel completely human again.  (Muscles Quotes) God didn’t make me to make movies, flex muscles, buy gold. What you love the most becomes your God... If I never make another dollar, my life is complete.  (Muscles Quotes) Cicadas, buckling and unbuckling their stomach muscles, yield the sound of someone sharpening scissors. Fall field crickets, the thermometer hounds, add high-pitched tinkling chirps to the jazz, and their call quickens with warm weather, slows again with cool.  (Muscles Quotes) Courage, love, faith . . . these areall muscles that grow in strength each time we push them to their limits.  (Muscles Quotes) In cross-country skiing, athletes propel themselves over distances of ten and twenty miles - a physical challenge that places intense demands on the ability of their red blood cells to deliver oxygen to their muscles.  (Muscles Quotes) I’ve been lifting weights since I was literally 15 or 16 years old. My muscles are short and powerful and built to lift heavy weights, not to be graceful and glide around a dance floor.  (Muscles Quotes) I like to always remind my dancers about ways to avoid injury. One of the basic ways to avoid injury is to always make sure to stretch and warm up your body. This will loosen up your muscles, which will help to avoid common strain injuries such as shin splints and ankle strains.  (Muscles Quotes) Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition - such as lifting weights - we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity.  (Muscles Quotes) Because a football game is just sixty minutes, but I’m training six, seven hours in every day. So, going for sixty minutes becomes easy. More importantly, I think that your muscles mature and can move in all different directions.  (Muscles Quotes) The music takes on all different jobs and hopefully is part of telling the story. Each song has to be a story unto itself. It’s a very different set of muscles.  (Muscles Quotes) Your muscles know nothing. It’s your brain. Exercise is something you’ve got to do the rest of your life. It’s a lifestyle. Dying is easy. Living is a pain in the neck. You’ve got to work at it.  (Muscles Quotes) In yoga practice, over time you use fewer muscles more efficiently. Expansion does require energy, but it should not require a great deal of effort.  (Muscles Quotes) When all your muscles are properly developed, you will, as a matter of course, perform your work with minimum effort and maximum pleasure.  (Muscles Quotes) We learned to build our emotional muscles, helping us make it through major market falls and grind through the trying times without losing our equilibrium.  (Muscles Quotes) I always work on my abs, every single day. As Miss Universe, exercising your abdominal muscles is mandatory!  (Muscles Quotes) So many older people, they just sit around all day long and they don’t get any exercise. Their muscles atrophy, and they lose their strength, their energy and vitality by inactivity.  (Muscles Quotes)
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