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Muscles Quotes

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I lost more then 6 kilograms when I ceased with the top sport. That were all muscles. They are now gone  (Muscles Quotes) Further study of central nervous action, however, finds central inhibition too extensive and ubiquitous to make it likely that it is confined solely to the taxis of antagonistic muscles  (Muscles Quotes) I learned how to get in shape without getting certain muscles too big that make you look like a meathead  (Muscles Quotes) To be good, we must do good; and by doing good we take a sure means of being good, as the use and exercise of the muscles increase their power  (Muscles Quotes) When short guys start working out to bulk up. I like muscles, but I don’t like really buff guys  (Muscles Quotes) Living the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, causing you to bump into people not going your way  (Muscles Quotes) This hand is not very active always, because it was in this hand that I carried my books. My carrying hand was always my strongest. Now I think my other hand has developed more muscles from signing all those autographs  (Muscles Quotes) You can’t get rid of it with exercise alone. You can do the most vigorous exercise and only burn up 300 calories in an hour. If you’ve got fat on your body, the exercise firms and tones the muscles. But when you use that tape measure, what makes it bigger? It’s the fat!  (Muscles Quotes) You want to throw yourself in as many uncomfortable places as possible, if you want to build muscles in uncomfortable parts of your body and grow as an artist  (Muscles Quotes) All we actually have is our body and its muscles that allow us to be under our own power  (Muscles Quotes) I see exercise taking this perverted detour. The original intention of exercise was to heal and maintain health. Now I see it as having nothing to do with health. I see most exercises based on looking good. They actually make you less healthy. You overdevelop the obvious muscles. You take drugs to enhance that. You ignore the rest, and you become more out of balance  (Muscles Quotes) He who lives in the single exercise of his mental faculties, however usefully or curiously directed, is equally an imperfect animal with the man who knows only the exercise of muscles  (Muscles Quotes) I have never discovered that the nude could be studied in any way except the way I have adopted. All the muscles must be pointed out. To do this all the drapery must be removed  (Muscles Quotes) Biological possibility and desire are not the same as biological need. Women have childbearing equipment. For them to choose not to use the equipment is no more blocking what is instinctive than it is for a man who, muscles or no, chooses not to be a weightlifter  (Muscles Quotes) Pleasure and pain, though directly opposite, are yet so contrived by nature as to be constant companions; and it is a fact that the same motions and muscles of the face are employed both in laughing and crying  (Muscles Quotes) When I started modelling, I’d raise my arms and it was all muscle and all the other models had nothing. Really, everybody thought I was a man. I don’t have to do much to have muscles. It’s just genetic  (Muscles Quotes) I really love getting hot stone massages. They really help me relax and it’s so soothing for your muscles  (Muscles Quotes) I try to be fussy about the parts I play. I think that’s quite prudent, it means you’re stretching different muscles, and you’re scaring yourself by doing something which is out of your comfort zone  (Muscles Quotes) Character acting is a much braver pursuit than a guy who runs around and intermittently clenches his jaw muscles  (Muscles Quotes) Healthy foods are great, but it’s important to keep your body active. Your muscles only get stronger and build more endurance for everyday things if you’re moving and get the blood pumping. Exercising stimulates certain brain chemicals and can put you in a better mood!  (Muscles Quotes) I cannot draw a human figure if I don’t know the order of his bones, muscles or tendons. Same is that I cannot draw a human face if I don’t know what’s going on his mind and heart. In order to paint life one must understand not only anatomy, but what people feel and think about the world they live in. The painter who knows his own craft and nothing else will turn out to be a very superficial artist  (Muscles Quotes) Exercise the writing muscle every day, even if it is only a letter, notes, a title list, a character sketch, a journal entry. Writers are like dancers, like athletes. Without that exercise, the muscles seize up  (Muscles Quotes) The only magic we have is what we make in ourselves, the muscles we build up on the inside, the sense of belief we create from nothing  (Muscles Quotes) I wonder how many ways there are for a mother to produce that wreckage in her own daughter, and my muscles tense as I think of them  (Muscles Quotes) I smile a lot. I heard someone say once that it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown, so I’m trying it out  (Muscles Quotes) ... what makes you older is when your bones, muscles and blood wear out, when the heart sinks into oblivion and all the houses you ever lived in are gone and people are not really certain that your civilization ever existed  (Muscles Quotes) His dark hair is perfectly recklessly up today, those tanned muscles flexing as he extends out his arms and does his little turn. And here I am, my breath caught between my lungs and my lips as he turns around and scans the crowd. As soon as he spots me, his eyes come alive, as alive as I feel when he smiles at me. He holds my gaze while those dimples flash, and I swear he stares at me in a way that makes me feel that I am the only woman here  (Muscles Quotes) No system of education is complete that does not harden the hands and toughen muscles, while it is also develops the intellect and enlarges the heart... only through work do we attain the true symmetry, strength, and glory of godly manhood and womanhood  (Muscles Quotes) A strong woman is a woman at work, cleaning out the cesspool of the ages, and while she shovels, she talks about how she doesn’t mind crying, it opens the ducts of the eyes, and throwing up develops the stomach muscles, and she goes on shoveling with tears in her nose  (Muscles Quotes) I don’t do this to be healthy, I do this to get big muscles  (Muscles Quotes)
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