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Muscles Quotes

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At times of great stress it is especially necessary to achieve a complete freeing of the muscles  (Muscles Quotes) No exercise brings into play all the muscles of the body in a more thorough manner, and none is more interesting than wrestling. He will find no other exercise more valuable in the cultivation of faculties which will help him to success in agility, strength, determination, coolness, and quick exercise of judgement  (Muscles Quotes) She was luxuriously tired and her muscles felt sore from the unaccustomed strain of riding astride. Nothing had ever tasted so good as the cool golden ale she swallowed from a pewter tankard. She slept deeply that night and longer than she had intended  (Muscles Quotes) God loves you enough, trusts you enough, to let affliction come into your life to see whether you will exercise the muscles of faith while your physical muscles begin to atrophy  (Muscles Quotes) The most important day in any running program is rest. Rest days give your muscles time to recover so you can run again. Your muscles build in strength as you rest  (Muscles Quotes) The incessant driving of the pen over paper causes intense fatigue of the hand and the whole arm because of the continuous... strain on the muscles and tendons  (Muscles Quotes) Training is principally an act of faith. The athlete must believe in its efficacy; he must believe that through training he will become fitter and stronger; that by constant repetition of the same movements he will become more skilful and his muscles more relaxed... He must be a fanatic for hard work and enthusiastic enough to enjoy it  (Muscles Quotes) As cows need milking and sweet peas need picking, so writers must continually exercise their mental muscles by a daily stint  (Muscles Quotes) There was a rhythm to the canter. Up, forward, down; up, forward, down. It soon became pleasant. The broad warm rump felt good beneath her. The pounding was diminished, cushioned by the horse’s muscles and the springiness of his hindquarter joints... The ridden horse was a marvel, diminishing space  (Muscles Quotes) I don’t always have the stomach muscles I have, and I get cellulite as well like everyone else  (Muscles Quotes) Theres a lot of muscles in your eyes even that you don’t ever work, but little human traits like showing signs of exertion while running, you couldnt do that. Blinking when youre shooting a gun, you know. Things that you take for granted every day that had to be eliminated, so it was always interesting  (Muscles Quotes) Use what you have in your gym. Try to do my training program, you will lose your fat and gain muscles at the same time  (Muscles Quotes) The person drawn to dance as profession is notoriously unintellectual. He thinks with his muscles, delights in expression with body, not words; finds analysis painful and boring; and is a creature of physical ebullience  (Muscles Quotes) The exact process you use to build courage isn’t important. What’s important is that you consciously do it. Just as your muscles will atrophy if you don’t regularly stress them, your courage will atrophy if you don’t consistently challenge yourself to face down your fears. In the absence of this kind of conscious conditioning, you’ll automatically become weak in both body and mind. If you aren’t regularly exercising your courage, then you are strengthening your fear by default; there is no middle ground  (Muscles Quotes) Dancing is an excellent amusement for young people, especially for those of sedentary occupations. Its excellence consists in exciting a cheerfulness of the mind, highly essential to health; in bracing the muscles of the body, and in producing copious perspiration... The body must perspire, or must be out of order  (Muscles Quotes) Ultimately, we become aware of most of what is going on within us mainly through the muscles  (Muscles Quotes) In a jump, the subject, in a sudden burst of energy, overcomes gravity. He cannot simultaneously control his expressions, his facial and his limb muscles. The mask falls. The real self becomes visible. One only has to snap it with the camera  (Muscles Quotes) I think people have had too much to think and ought to flex their magic muscles. It takes awhile to get oriented to what I do, but people seem to be able to hear it if they give it a chance. I’d never just want to do what everybody else did. I’d be contributing to the sameness of everything  (Muscles Quotes) Shooting at a man who is returning the compliment means going into action with the greatest speed of which a man’s muscles are capable, but mentally unflustered by an urge to hurry or the need for complicated nervous and muscular actions which trick shooting involves  (Muscles Quotes) Whenever I get upset, I remember that it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to stick up your middle finger  (Muscles Quotes) Willpower isn’t just a skill. It’s a muscle, like the muscles in your arms or legs, and it gets tired as it works harder, so there’s less power left over for other things  (Muscles Quotes) The muscles used to make a smile actually send a biochemical message to our nervous system that it is safe to relax the flight of freeze response  (Muscles Quotes) The best thing is to draw men and women from the nude and thus fix in the memory by constant exercise the muscles of the torso, back, legs, arms and knees, with bones underneath  (Muscles Quotes) The truth I’ve discovered is that you don’t have to lift enormous weights to grow muscle. By using stricter form, slower negatives, and stretching between sets you can get an incredible pump in all your workouts. Numbers are an abstraction, especially to muscles. Your body doesn’t know the absolute weight of what you lift, it only recognizes how heavy it feels. The secret is to make lighter weights feel heavier  (Muscles Quotes) Running hills breaks up your rhythm and forces your muscles to adapt to new stresses. The result? You become stronger  (Muscles Quotes) At 60, the mind was sharp but the body complained. The legs were willing to make all the right moves but the muscles gave out too early  (Muscles Quotes) When I began designing machines I also began to think that these objects, which sit next to each other and around people, can influence not only physical conditions but also emotions. They can touch the nerves, the blood, the muscles, the eyes and the moods of people  (Muscles Quotes) Goodwill to others is constructive thought. It helps build you up. It is good for your body. It makes vour blood purer, your muscles stronger, and your whole form more symmetrical in shape. It is the real elixir of life. The more such thought you attract to you, the more life you will have  (Muscles Quotes) It hurts to love wide open stretching the muscles... It hurts to thwart the reflexes of grab, of clutch; to love and let go again and again  (Muscles Quotes) The other, the other aspect when I say I’m an actor is that as an actor you make this imaginative leap into being somebody else, that’s to say the muscle of the imagination is as important as any other of the muscles in your body, and so it is something about this instinct in space and time which for me I associate with being an actor rather than a director  (Muscles Quotes)
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