Must we be strangers, you and I, because there was a time in which we were almost more than friends?

Must we be strangers, you and I, because there was a time in which we were almost more than friends?
In the world of Anthony Trollope, relationships are often complex and fraught with emotion. The quote, “Must we be strangers, you and I, because there was a time in which we were almost more than friends?” encapsulates the theme of lost connections and the pain of drifting apart in Trollope’s works.Trollope’s novels are filled with characters who struggle with the consequences of past relationships and the lingering feelings that remain. In many of his stories, characters find themselves torn between the desire to reconnect with someone from their past and the fear of facing the pain and disappointment that may come with it.
The quote speaks to the idea that just because two people were once close, it does not mean that they can easily resume their relationship after a period of estrangement. The passage suggests that the passage of time and the changes that occur in people’s lives can create a barrier between them, even if they once shared a deep connection.