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Muzak Quotes

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Like all right-listening folk, I am an implacable enemy of all muzak  (Muzak Quotes) Music can be used against us as much as it can be used for us. Muzak can put a whole nation to sleep, whereas a lullaby is intended to put a child to sleep in a sweet way  (Muzak Quotes) Not only has the eyes taken over, but we have anaesthetised the ears through all the muzak that we hear all the time  (Muzak Quotes) I worry that the person who thought up Muzak may be thinking up something else  (Muzak Quotes) There is a particular whir of agitation about female hunger, a low-level thrumming of shoulds and shouldn’ts and can’ts and wants that can be so chronic and familiar it becomes a kind of feminine Muzak, easy to dismiss, or to tune out altogether, even if you’re actively participating in it.  (Muzak Quotes)