My Arm Quotes

Text Quotes
When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms (My Arm Quotes)
You fall into my arms. You are the good gift of destruction's path, When life sickens more than disease. And boldness is the root of beauty. Which draws us together (My Arm Quotes)
I have put my arm round her waist, and I am shaken by the sorrow which agitates her chest and throat, and sometimes shakes her rudely, the sorrow which does not belong to me, which belongs to no one, and is like a divinity (My Arm Quotes)
Recently, a woman took my arm, looked at me very seriously and said, "You're quite pretty in real life". I didn't quite know how to take it (My Arm Quotes)
Avoid the flourish. Do not be afraid to be weak. Do not be ashamed to be tired. You look good when you're tired. You look like you could go on forever. Now come into my arms. You are the image of my beauty (My Arm Quotes)
I feel more comfortable when I’m lighter - I sleep better, I snore less, I have more endurance when I work out, my arms look better (My Arm Quotes)
To this day, I don’t love my arms. People want more fit arms, but my arms are too fit. But I’m not complaining. They pay my bills (My Arm Quotes)
I was just a lot smarter about not getting caught. I mean, I never stuck anything in my arm, but I certainly enjoyed my youth (My Arm Quotes)
I was terrified. My first week, walking around in a teeny bikini, I kept crossing my arms over my chest because I was afraid I was going to fall out of the top of the suit. And I didn’t know anything about technique or lighting (My Arm Quotes)
I have this huge lion tattoo embossed on my arm. I was a little worried as to how we would cover it up. But my makeup man covered the tattoo with makeup. It took close to two hours (My Arm Quotes)
I should be getting photographs of me with my arm around these people like restaurant owners do, because eventually I am going to have to prove to my kids that once I was an actor! (My Arm Quotes)
I can write with absolutely perfect penmanship with my feet. If I broke both my arms, I could still write a girl a love letter using just my toes (My Arm Quotes)
Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of all eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you (My Arm Quotes)
When I started modelling, I’d raise my arms and it was all muscle and all the other models had nothing. Really, everybody thought I was a man. I don’t have to do much to have muscles. It’s just genetic (My Arm Quotes)
I slide my arm from under the sleeper’s head and it is numb, full of swarming pins, on the tip of each, waiting to be counted, the fallen angels sit (My Arm Quotes)
I played soccer, and I was the kid who ran the wrong way, or I was pretending to be some sort of zebra and I would flail my arms and kick up my legs (My Arm Quotes)
His laughter echoed through my mind. I have a beautiful woman in my arms, and am taking her back to my home, where she and I will be alone and able to indulge whatever fantasies we choose. What is there not to enjoy? (My Arm Quotes)
I could run nearly naked on a hot, windy beach and plunge without care into a running diamond sea; roll on the sand and fling my arms wide to the sun and still be what I was... young (My Arm Quotes)
It’s time to float on the waters of the night. Time to wrap my arms around this book and press it to my chest, life preserver in a seat of unremarkable men and women anonymous faces on the street, a hundred thousand unalphabitized things a million forgotten hours (My Arm Quotes)
I moved my arms through the water, feeling them float on the surface, watching the waves and wake that followed my gesture. Here was magic, I thought. Here was something holy (My Arm Quotes)
Darkness has completely descended onto the landscape and I stood up and stretched my arms above my head and I wondered what it would be like if it were a perfect world. Only God knows. And he is dead (My Arm Quotes)
It was a sunny day, I was carrying a child in a white dress to be christened. The path to the church led up a steep slope, but I held the child in my arms firmly and without faltering. Then suddenly my footing gave way... I had enough time to put the child down before plunging into the abyss. The child is our idea. In spite of all obstacles it will prevail (My Arm Quotes)
A professionally trained actress should be a better liar, wouldn’t you think? But no. I am pathetically underachieved in that area. I can think of a great lie. I’m plenty imaginative. But before the words are even out of my mouth, there’s a weird tickle of unease in my armpits, a horsefly of guilt lands on the back of my neck, and before I can stop myself, that gassy little bubble of truth belches out (My Arm Quotes)
For as long as the world spins and the earth is green with new wood, she will lie in this box and not in my arms (My Arm Quotes)
I pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arms around him, kissing him just as desperately as he was kissing me. Like if we could just love long enough and hard enough and deep enough, then the world outside would never, could never hurt us (My Arm Quotes)
Pressed up against him, I can feel the thud of his heart against mine, his ribcase expanding and contracting rapidly against my chest, the warm whisper of his breath tickling the side of my neck, the brush of his leg against my thigh. Resting my arms on his shoulders, I pull back a little to get a look at his face. But he isn’t smiling any more (My Arm Quotes)
Time has stopped; time is racing. Lochie’s lips are rough yet smooth, hard yet gentle. His fingers are strong: I feel them in my hair and on my neck and down my arms and against my back. And I never want him to let me go (My Arm Quotes)
I liked her…I really liked her. I wanted to protect her. I approached her in a gentle, playful manner, because she’s so precious and I wanted to hold her in my arms because she’s so carefree. She was my treasure (My Arm Quotes)
I just want to escape my own body and project sunlight on to the walls for her to see, so she warms up and yearns for my arms (My Arm Quotes)
My thoughts are messy, my emotions are messy, my body goes in and out at will. The raised white scars on my arms and legs are the only aspect of my being that comes close to minimalism. They came from chaos, but it is hard to carve frustration and unease into the flesh. Only straight lines (My Arm Quotes)