My best birth control now is just to leave the lights on

My best birth control now is just to leave the lights on
Joan Rivers was known for her quick wit, sharp tongue, and fearless attitude. She was never one to shy away from controversial topics, and her views on birth control were no exception. In her typical no-nonsense style, Rivers once famously quipped, "My best birth control now is just to leave the lights on."This statement may seem flippant at first glance, but it actually speaks to a deeper truth about Rivers' approach to life and relationships. Rivers was a firm believer in being honest and upfront about her desires and boundaries, and she didn't believe in sugarcoating the realities of sex and relationships. By joking about using the lights as a form of birth control, Rivers was making a statement about the importance of communication and consent in sexual encounters.
Rivers' humor was often a way for her to tackle taboo subjects and challenge societal norms. In this case, her joke about leaving the lights on can be seen as a commentary on the importance of being fully present and aware during intimate moments. By keeping the lights on, Rivers was suggesting that both partners should be fully engaged and conscious during sex, rather than relying on physical barriers like condoms or birth control pills to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Of course, Rivers' statement was also a reflection of her own personal experiences and beliefs. As a woman who was unapologetically outspoken and independent, Rivers likely saw leaving the lights on as a way to assert control over her own body and sexuality. By taking charge of her own pleasure and safety, Rivers was sending a message that women should feel empowered to set their own boundaries and make their own choices when it comes to sex.