My Father Quotes

Text Quotes
My mother was very strong. Once, she picked up a coconut and smashed it against my father's head. It taught me about women defending themselves and not collapsing in a heap (My Father Quotes)
I am an expert of electricity. My father occupied the chair of applied electricity at the state prison (My Father Quotes)
My father was very strong. I don't agree with a lot of the ways he brought me up. I don't agree with a lot of his values, but he did have a lot of integrity, and if he told us not to do something, he didn't do it either (My Father Quotes)
When my mother died I was very young, and my father sold me while yet my tongue could scarcely cry 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!'weep! So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot i sleep (My Father Quotes)
My mother groaned! My father wept. Into the dangerous world I leapt: Helpless, naked, piping loud: Like a fiend hid in a cloud (My Father Quotes)
About 60 years ago, I said to my father, 'Old Mr. Senex is showing his age; he sometimes talks quite stupidly.' My father replied, 'That isn't age. He's always been stupid. He is just losing his ability to conceal it (My Father Quotes)
Of that day and hour no one knows, no, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” (Matthew 24:36) (My Father Quotes)
My father provided; he gathered things to himself and let them fall upon the world; my clothes, my food, my luxurious hopes had fallen to me from him, and for the first time his death seemed, even at its immense stellar remove of impossibility, a grave and dreadful threat (My Father Quotes)
My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys." (My Father Quotes)
If our family was an airline, Mom was the hub and we were the spokes. You rarely went anywhere nonstop; you went via Mom, who directed the traffic flow and determined the priorities: which family member was cleared for takeoff or landing. Even my father was not immune to Mom's scheduling, though he was given more leeway than the rest of us (My Father Quotes)
Like most, I was a solitary boy at first, keeping to my books and weeping in the hedgerows whenever I could get away on my own. Surely, I thought, I must be the saddest child in the world; that there must be something innately horrid about me to cause my father to cast me off so heartlessly. I believed that if I could discover what it was, there might be a chance of putting things right, of somehow making it up to him (My Father Quotes)
My father said it was a delightfully odd - and dangerously self-destructive - quirk of humans that we were far more interested in pointless trivia then in genuine news stories (My Father Quotes)
For my father John Standish Fforde 1920-2000 Who never knew I was to be published but would have been most proud nonetheless - and not a little surprised (My Father Quotes)
I had never come across a talking cat before, but good manners, as my father used to say, cost nothing (My Father Quotes)
I was born on a Thursday, hence the name. My brother was born on a Monday and they called him Anton - go figure. My mother was called Wednesday, but was born on a Sunday - I don't know why - and my father had no name at all - his identity and existence had been scrubbed by the ChronoGuard after he went rogue. To all intents and purposes he didn't exist at all. It didn't matter. He was always Dad to me (My Father Quotes)
My father had been disgusted and heartsick over the fact that I wanted to act. Thought it a silly profession closely allied to street-walking. (My Father Quotes)
My father-in-law tripped on a crack in the pavement and spent the rest of the week politely pretending he had not dislocated his shoulder (My Father Quotes)
I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof (My Father Quotes)
My father from long habit took a book with him to the table and then, remembering my presence, furtively dropped it under his chair (My Father Quotes)
I am haunted by the ghost of my father, I think that should allow me to quote Hamlet as much as I please (My Father Quotes)
My father was in the coal business in West Virginia. Both dad and mother were, however, originally from Massachusetts; New England, to them, meant the place to go if you really wanted an education (My Father Quotes)
The fact my relationship with my son is so good makes me forgiving of my father and also appreciative (My Father Quotes)
I suspect that I am the result of particularly weak conception on the part of my father. His sperm was probably emitted in a rather offhand manner (My Father Quotes)
But I was right. I think that must be an hereditary quality, for my father says he is scarcely ever wrong (My Father Quotes)
My father cared about the world he lived in, and so he admitted his confusion about his place in America because he didn't want me to make the same mistake in my life (My Father Quotes)
And my father! Oh, my father! Evil is it with his daughter, when his grey hairs are not remembered because of the golden locks of youth! (My Father Quotes)
My father moved through dooms of love through sames of am through haves of give singing each morning out of each night my father moved through depths of height (My Father Quotes)
And nothing quite so least as truth - I say though hate were why men breathe - because my father lived his soul love is the whole and more than all (My Father Quotes)
I've just finished my next collection, Possible Side Effects, and I'm now working on a collection of holiday stories as well as a memoir about my relationship with my father (My Father Quotes)
But like my father, I have not done anything. I could not, because I am me, because I died long ago (My Father Quotes)