My head says who cares? But then my heart says you do stupid

My head says who cares? But then my heart says you do stupid
In the battle between our head and our heart, it can often feel like a never-ending struggle. Our head is the logical, rational part of us that tries to make sense of the world and make decisions based on facts and reason. On the other hand, our heart is the emotional, intuitive part of us that guides us towards what we truly desire and care about.When we say, "My head says who cares? But then my heart says you do stupid," we are acknowledging this internal conflict. Our head may try to dismiss something as unimportant or insignificant, but our heart knows deep down that it does matter to us. It's like a tug-of-war between our logical thoughts and our emotional feelings.
This phrase can be particularly relevant in the context of relationships. Our head may tell us that we should move on from someone who is not treating us well or is not right for us. It may try to rationalize why we should let go and move on. However, our heart may still hold onto hope, love, or attachment to that person, making it difficult to let go.