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My Heart Quotes

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I too complain ceaselessly in my heart and in my words too. My very life is a protest. Against government, for instance  (My Heart Quotes) The gloom encroaches upon my mind, and my heart flutters like a bird held fast in a fist  (My Heart Quotes) America... has ever had, and I trust she ever will have, my honest exertions to promote her interest. I cannot hope that my services have been the best; but my heart tells me they have been the best that I could render  (My Heart Quotes) Why did I become a writer? A bird’s feather on my windowpane in winter and all at once there arose in my heart a battle of embers never to subside again  (My Heart Quotes) I am a man by virtue of my hands and my feet, my belly, my heart of meat, my stomach whose knots reunite me to the putrefaction of life  (My Heart Quotes) I had always been considered such a nonentity where human relations were concerned that the idea that I might have an influence, even a corrupting influence... penetrated my heart with a fierce little sting of pleasure  (My Heart Quotes) The whole past and the whole world are alive in my heart, and I shall do my part to communicate their presence to my readers  (My Heart Quotes) When I was young my heart was young then, too. And anything that it would tell me, that’s the thing that I would do  (My Heart Quotes) A loss, but who still mourns the breath of one woman, or laments one wife? Though my heart never can forget, how, for one look, she gave up her life  (My Heart Quotes) What dogs? These are my children, little people with fur who make my heart open a little wider  (My Heart Quotes) Seeing you lights up my day, to hear your voice makes me smile all cheesy, to see you smile makes my heart all warm and fuzzy, when you say I love you makes my body weak  (My Heart Quotes) Come around, feel the sound. Know you make my heart pound. Fill me up, bring me down; when I hear your sound  (My Heart Quotes) I think that first love defines you and your relationships, for the rest of your life. I had a great first love. My heart was ripped out of my chest, but I think that happens to everyone  (My Heart Quotes) I still try to do what I’ve always said I would do, which is say yes to the things that make my heart beat faster, particularly if there’s something scary about it  (My Heart Quotes) Why is my needle stuck in childhood? I don’t know why. I guess it’s because that’s where my heart is  (My Heart Quotes) I’ll always try to follow my heart into things I love, and modelling is not something I’m dreaming of pursuing forever  (My Heart Quotes) Acting is something I’ve done since I was six years old, performing for my mum and my family in the living room, and I do it because my heart’s in it  (My Heart Quotes) My mom is my heart. She was a rock for me even though she was not around as much as dad  (My Heart Quotes) I felt like if I just gave my heart to what I was doing, I would automatically be a star  (My Heart Quotes) The trouble is that my heart is loath to be without love even for a single hour.... If you want to keep me forever, then show as much friendship as love, and more than anything else, love me and tell me the truth  (My Heart Quotes) Studios weren’t banging on my door to offer me parts... And I thought, well how am I ever going to make movies that speak to my heart and to my values?  (My Heart Quotes) These tears do me good, they have watered the parched place; perhaps my heart will grow again there!  (My Heart Quotes) No companion however wise, no friend however useful, can be to me what my mother has been: her image will long pursue my fancy; her voice for ever hang in my ears: may her precepts but sink into my heart!  (My Heart Quotes) The storm thunders at my heart; I find it difficult to believe in the existence of anything except the clouds which limit my horizon  (My Heart Quotes) People’s talk and the stories they tell have been engraved on my heart, and some of them have flown into my pen  (My Heart Quotes) When I am dead, I am certain that the imprint of my love will be found on my heart. It is impossible to worship as I do without leaving some visible trace behind when life is over  (My Heart Quotes) Country music was the music I was brought up on. It’s the music that’s closest to my heart and the music that speaks to me the most, and it’s always been a big influence on my own songwriting  (My Heart Quotes) My brain and my heart are really important to me. I don’t know why I wouldn’t seek help to have those things be as healthy as my teeth. I go to the dentist. So why wouldn’t I go to a shrink?  (My Heart Quotes) Music comes first from my heart, and then goes upstairs to my head where I check it out  (My Heart Quotes) Winter is on the road to spring. Some think it a surly road. I do not. A primrose road to spring were not as engaging to my heart as a frozen icicled craggy way angered over by strong winds that never take the iron trumpets from their lips  (My Heart Quotes)
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