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My Heart Quotes

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There’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I’m too tough for him, I say, stay in there, I’m not going to let anybody see you  (My Heart Quotes) Love and I once had a great relationship, but I fear we’ve broken up. It cheated on me, wrecked my heart, and then went on to date other people. A lot of other people. And I can’t stand to watch it, since love’s going to cheat on them too  (My Heart Quotes) From childhood’s hour I have not been. As others were, I have not seen. As others saw, I could not awaken. My heart to joy at the same tone. And all I loved, I loved alone  (My Heart Quotes) My little girls can break my heart. They can make me cry just looking at them eating their string beans  (My Heart Quotes) Thus with my lips have I denounced you, while my heart, bleeding within me, called you tender names  (My Heart Quotes) All my heart is yours, sir: it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever  (My Heart Quotes) I have to say that although it broke my heart, I was, and still am, glad I was there  (My Heart Quotes) I fear feeling my heart break a second time, because I’m not sure I could survive it. I’d rather live alone than risk the pain  (My Heart Quotes) Look, I am living. On what? Neither childhood nor future lessens... Superabundant existence wells in my heart  (My Heart Quotes) Home sweet home. No place like home. Take me home, country roads. Home is where the heart is. But my heart is here. So I must be home. Clare sighs, turns her head, and is quiet. Hi, honey. I’m home. I’m home  (My Heart Quotes) I realized that the one person who could break my heart is the only one who should have it  (My Heart Quotes) Regret, already sogging me down, burst its dam. It seeped into my legs, it pooled in my heart  (My Heart Quotes) No. No, I don’t believe you’d betray me with her. I don’t believe you’d cheat on me. But I’m afraid, and I’m sick in my heart that you might look at her, then at me. And regret  (My Heart Quotes) I deserved the shaking and the headaches and the fact that every single time I took a breath I felt a squeezing in my chest, my heart beating even though I wished it wasn’t  (My Heart Quotes) My chest hurts... It hurts. The sound of his name is like a knife in my heart  (My Heart Quotes) Pittsburgh entered the core of my heart when I was a boy and cannot be torn out  (My Heart Quotes) I place my hands over her ears and tip her head back, and kiss her, and try to put my heart into hers, for safekeeping, in case I lose it again  (My Heart Quotes) My heart is set, as firmly as ever heart of man was set on woman. I have no thought, no view, no hope, in life beyond her; and if you oppose me in this great stake, you take my peace and happiness in your hands, and cast them to the wind  (My Heart Quotes) As she stood in the darkened room and watched my sister and father, I knew one of things that heaven meant. I had a choice, and it was not to divide my family in my heart  (My Heart Quotes) It was, at last, real life, with my heart safe and condemned to die of happy love in the joyful agony of any day after my hundredth birthday  (My Heart Quotes) I’m tired again, I’ve tried again, and now my heart is full. And I just can’t explain... so I won’t even try to  (My Heart Quotes) My heart hasn’t beat in almost ninety years but this was different it was like my heart was gone like I was hallow like I’d left everything here with you  (My Heart Quotes) I don’t reveal to her that I love her. I keep poker faced. She might as well be looking at a cantaloupe, there is so little information in my face, but my heart is beating  (My Heart Quotes) He does something to me, that boy. Every time. It’s his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me cry  (My Heart Quotes) I do not kill with my gun; He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart  (My Heart Quotes) My heart goes out to him. Sort of. Because empathy depends on how you’ve spent your day  (My Heart Quotes) Absolutely, there is a connection between food and love. I always say, when there’s love in my heart or I’m feeling particularly good, the food comes out that much better. And so I think Valentine’s Day is a special day  (My Heart Quotes) For the sight of the angry weather saddens my soul and the sight of the town, sitting like a bereaved mother beneath layers of ice, oppresses my heart  (My Heart Quotes) My heart is moved by all I cannot save: so much has been destroyed I have to cast my lot with those who age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power, reconstitute the world  (My Heart Quotes) I felt my heart breaking all over again. Why? Why had this happened to us? Why was the universe so cruel?  (My Heart Quotes)
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