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My Heart Quotes

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I have loved another with all my heart, and for me that has always been enough  (My Heart Quotes) Buried beneath disappointment and fear, anger and pride, I just might find it in my heart to forgive  (My Heart Quotes) It was only a hopeless fantasy, it passed like an April day, but a look and a word and the dreams they stirred they have stolen my heart away  (My Heart Quotes) They say that time heals all things, they say you can always forget; but the smiles and the tears across the years they twist my heart strings yet!  (My Heart Quotes) I was born to love you with every single beat of my heart. I was born to take care of you every single day of my life  (My Heart Quotes) Your station is in my heart, and on the necks of those who would insult you  (My Heart Quotes) My heart should be breaking, too, but there comes a point when you’re so inured to loss that you no longer feel the lash  (My Heart Quotes) Sorrow compressed my heart, and I felt I would die, and then... Well, then I woke up  (My Heart Quotes) Stay for me. Stay with me. There will never be anyone else. Not in my bed. Not in my life. And not in my heart  (My Heart Quotes) I would not exchange the sorrows of my heart for the joys of the multitude. And I would not have the tears that sadness makes to flow from my every part turn into laughter. I would that my life remain a tear and a smile  (My Heart Quotes) I couldn’t understand a sense of unease that multiplied until I could hear my heart beating  (My Heart Quotes) Forever made that kiss stand out in my mind, touch my heart, make me remember a kiss so tender  (My Heart Quotes) I’ve never really had much of an imagination. But still I would try to picture the exact moment when the beating of my heart would no longer be going on inside my head  (My Heart Quotes) Our souls were one, if you must know and never shall they be apart; with splendid dawn, your face aglow I reach for you and find my heart  (My Heart Quotes) My heart was a little bit broken, but I still had to go to school. I buttoned my dress shirt over it and my winter coat, too. I hoped it didn’t show too much  (My Heart Quotes) I held my heart back from positively accepting anything, since I was afraid of another fall, and in this condition of suspense I was being all the more killed  (My Heart Quotes) I have been smashed and put back together so many times nothing works right. Nothing is where it should be, heavy thumping in my shoulder where my heart now beats  (My Heart Quotes) I want to go to sleep and not wake up, but I don’t want to die. I want to eat like a normal person eats, but I need to see my bones or I will hate myself even more and I might cut my heart out or take every pill that was ever made  (My Heart Quotes) I come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is and always will be yours  (My Heart Quotes) I trembled, and my heart failed within me; when, on looking up, I saw, by the light of the moon, the daemon at the casement  (My Heart Quotes) I will not bare my soul to their shallow prying eyes. My heart shall never be put under their microscope  (My Heart Quotes) My heart rushes into the garden, joyfully tasting all the delights. But reason frowns, disapproving of the heart’s bad manners  (My Heart Quotes) Right then, it didn’t matter what his reasons were. All I knew that I was sick of him breaking my heart  (My Heart Quotes) Is your face a beautiful blossom or a sweet torture? I have no complaints but my heart is tempted to let you hear of its sorrows  (My Heart Quotes) My brain tells me it will be better to just let him go. My heart... not so much  (My Heart Quotes) My heart hurt so much I can’t believe it. How can it keep beating, feeling like this?  (My Heart Quotes) Good bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be  (My Heart Quotes) Even when I was dizzy with vodka, that smile never failed to make my heart speed up  (My Heart Quotes) My short stories are like soft shadows I have set out in the world, faint footprints I have left. I remember exactly where I set down each and every one of them, and how I felt when I did. Short stories are like guideposts to my heart  (My Heart Quotes) Everytime you see a flood like that on the news you tell yourself: That’s it. That’s my heart  (My Heart Quotes)
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