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My Heart Quotes

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Inside I knew he was meant to be the guy that taught me about life. Even if he broke my heart eventually  (My Heart Quotes) I don’t know how I stay on my feet, why I don; t just shatter into dust right there, why my heart keeps beating when I want it so badly to stop  (My Heart Quotes) Heal my heart and make it clean, open up my eyes to the things unseen, show me how to love like you have loved me  (My Heart Quotes) Break my heart for what breaks yours. Everything I am for you kingdom’s cause, as I walk from nothing to eternity  (My Heart Quotes) Sometimes my feet are tired and my hands are quiet, but there is no quiet in my heart  (My Heart Quotes) It is a terrible thing to be so open: it is as if my heart put on a face and walked into the world  (My Heart Quotes) Your eyelashes will write on my heart the poem that could never come from the pen of a poet  (My Heart Quotes) I went inside my heart to see how it was. Something there makes me hear the whole world weeping  (My Heart Quotes) I can’t seem to keep my heart from leaking out of the cracks, like sand clutched in a fist  (My Heart Quotes) I don’t own my emotions unless I can think about them. I am not afraid of feeling but I am afraid of feeling unthinkingly. I don’t want to drown. My head is my heart’s lifebelt  (My Heart Quotes) The truth is, I’ve always been afraid of letting anyone get too close. I built a wall around me, a barricade to hide behind those few times someone wanted entry to my heart  (My Heart Quotes) They tell me I must wade into waters, where I will soon drown. Before I march in, I leave this on the shore for you. I pray you find it, sister, so you will know what was in my heart as I went under  (My Heart Quotes) My hands dead my heart dead silence adagio of rocks the world ablaze that’s the best for me  (My Heart Quotes) Your body is away from me, but there is a window open from my heart to yours  (My Heart Quotes) Doing fine, thank you, I would say, never knowing how to talk about what I do. If I could talk about it, I would not have to do it. I make art, sometimes I make true art, and sometimes it fills the empty places in my heart. Some of them. Not all  (My Heart Quotes) Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier; I have seen worse sights than this  (My Heart Quotes) I loved you and you destroyed me. You took my heart and ripped it up. You might as well have staked me  (My Heart Quotes) I clung to that spark of hope, nurturing it into a small flame that chased some of the shadows in my heart away  (My Heart Quotes) The happiest moments my heart knows are those in which it is pouring forth its affections to a few esteemed characters  (My Heart Quotes) I don’t hate you for loving you. I just hate my heart for choosing someone like you  (My Heart Quotes) Grown don’t mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown. In my heart it don’t mean a thing  (My Heart Quotes) I want to rid my heart of envy, and cleanse my soul of rage before I’m through  (My Heart Quotes) The truths that I know best I have learned on my knees. I never know a thing well, till it is burned into my heart by prayer  (My Heart Quotes) You’re my backbone. You’re a blessing. You’re a piece of my heart. You’re the air I breathe. And you’re the strongest person I know, and I’m so sorry for having to put you through this and having to put our family through this  (My Heart Quotes) O passing angel, speed me with a song, a melody of heaven to reach my heart and rouse me to the race and make me strong  (My Heart Quotes) You don’t even have to ask twice, you could have my heart or we could share it like the last slice  (My Heart Quotes) I will welcome happiness for it enlarges my heart; Yet I will endure sadness for it opens my soul. I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due; Yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge  (My Heart Quotes) He it is, the innermost one, who awakens my being with his deep hidden touches. He it is who puts his enchantment upon these eyes and joyfully plays on the chords of my heart in varied cadence of pleasure and pain  (My Heart Quotes) I will greet this day with love in my heart. For this is the greatest secret of success in all ventures. Muscles can split a shield and even destroy life itself but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of man  (My Heart Quotes) Your name is upon my tongue your image is in my sight your memory is in my heart where can I send these words that I write?  (My Heart Quotes)
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