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My Heart Quotes

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I will tear this folly from my heart, though every fibre bleed as I rend it away!  (My Heart Quotes) Don’t try to touch my heart, it’s darker than you think. And don’t try to read my mind, because it’s full of disappearing ink  (My Heart Quotes) You took a poison arrow and you aimed it at my heart. It’s heavy and it’s bitter, and it’s tearing me apart  (My Heart Quotes) Have I told you lately that I love you, have I told you lately there’s no one above you. Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness, ease my troubles, that’s what you do  (My Heart Quotes) When we kiss my heart’s on fire, burning with a strange desire. And I know that every time I kiss you, that your heart’s on fire, too  (My Heart Quotes) It’s still scary every time I go back to the past. Each morning, my heart catches. When I get there, I remember how the light was, where the draft was coming from, what odors were in the air. When I write, I get all the weeping out  (My Heart Quotes) I haven’t made anything I don’t believe in. I’ve always started a movie with a song in my heart, and even when I’m a little unclear about it, something magical happens and it comes into focus in a way that I’m feeling good about  (My Heart Quotes) I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough  (My Heart Quotes) I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I aim with my eye. I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I shoot with my mind. I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart  (My Heart Quotes) Every stone here sweats with suffering, I know that. I have never looked at them without a feeling of anguish. But deep in my heart I know that the most wretched among you have seen a divine face emerge from their darkness. That is the face you are asked to see  (My Heart Quotes) You don’t know me; you never knew my heart. No man knows my history. I cannot tell it: I shall never undertake it. I don’t blame any one for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I would not have believed it myself. I never did harm any man since I was born in the world. My voice is always for peace  (My Heart Quotes) As mothers and daughters, we are connected with one another. My mother is the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine a life without her  (My Heart Quotes) I’ve never forgotten him. Dare I say I miss him? I do. I miss him. I still see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly, but nightmares tinged with love. Such is the strangeness of the human heart. I still cannot understand how he could abandon me so unceremoniously, without any sort of goodbye, without looking back even once. The pain is like an axe that chops my heart  (My Heart Quotes) Sometimes I think there’s a beast that lives inside me, in the cavern that’s where my heart should be, and every now and then it fills every last inch of my skin, so that I can’t help but do something inappropriate. Its breath is full of lies; it smells of spite  (My Heart Quotes) There are persons whom in my heart I despise, others I abhor. Yet I am not obliged to inform the one of my contempt, nor the other of my detestation. This kind of dissimulation... is a necessary branch of wisdom, and so far from being immoral... that it is a duty and a virtue  (My Heart Quotes) Really, it’s my fault. It was there. A hundred times there. How often did I see it? I knew. It kept happening. Over and over, you’d say you were through with him... and over and over, I’d believe it... no matter what my eyes showed me. No matter what my heart told me. My. Fault  (My Heart Quotes) My heart lifted, and a matching grin curved my lips. He wanted to see me again. Maybe he really did like me after all. I felt like doing a happy dance, but of course, I was way too cool for that. I’d at least wait until I got back to my hotel room, alone, where no one would see  (My Heart Quotes) I saw the way she was looking at you, and I knew that she still loved you. More than that, I know she always will. It breaks my heart, but you know what? I’m still in love with her, and to me that means that I want nothing more than for her to be happy in life. I want that more than anything. It’s all I’ve ever wanted for her  (My Heart Quotes) From that first little touch, the whole world had shifted. Where before there was just one thing I could not live without, now there were two. There was no division – my love was not split between them now; it wasn’t like that. It was more like my heart had grown, swollen up to twice its size in that moment. All that extra space, already filled. The increase was almost dizzying  (My Heart Quotes) Then I played the song that hides in the center of me. That wordless music that moves through the secret places in my heart. I played it carefully, strumming it slow and low into the dark stillness of the night. I would like to say it is a happy song, that it is sweet and bright, but it is not  (My Heart Quotes) My greatest good fortune in a life of brilliant experiences has been to find you, and to lead my life with you. I don’t feel far away from you out here at all. I feel very near in my heart; and also I feel that the nearer I get to honour, the nearer I am to you  (My Heart Quotes) I will always believe in love and I don’t care what happens to me or how many times I get my heart broken, or how many breakup songs I write, I’m always going to believe that someday I am going to meet somebody who is actually right for me and he’s going to be wonderful and it’s going to work out  (My Heart Quotes) I have been writing my heart out all my life, but only getting a living out of it now..... it’s not a question of the merit of art, but a question of spontaneity and sincerity and joy I say. I would like everybody in the world to tell his full life confession and tell it his own way and then we’d have something to read in our old age  (My Heart Quotes) When I recollect the treasure of friendship that has been bestowed upon me I withdraw all charges against life. If much has been denied me, much, very much has been given. So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart I shall say that life is good  (My Heart Quotes) My heart is burning with love. All I can see is this flame. My heart is burning with passion, like waves on an ocean. I’m at home, wherever I am. And in the room of lovers, I can see with closed eyes the beauty that dances. Behind the veils, intoxicated with love, I too dance the rhythm of this moving world  (My Heart Quotes) You, yes, you, linger inside my heart. The same you who stopped us before we could start  (My Heart Quotes) I cannot tell how much my heart suffered for my people while at Leavenworth  (My Heart Quotes) Since He looked upon me my heart is not my own. He hath runaway to heaven with it  (My Heart Quotes) The scariest thing is that we didn't even have to be together for you to break my heart  (My Heart Quotes) I'm proud of my heart. It's been played, burned, and broken, but it still works  (My Heart Quotes)
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