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My Heart Quotes

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The greatest desire of my heart was for the Lord to manifest His will concerning me  (My Heart Quotes) Sweden is the home of my ancestors, and I have reserved a special place in my heart for Sweden  (My Heart Quotes) The suit-and-tie job is very nice, but it’s not really who I am in my heart  (My Heart Quotes) I followed my heart and figured that if I tried and failed, at least Id know that I tried  (My Heart Quotes) I believe with all my heart that the Church of Jesus Christ should be a Church of blurred edges  (My Heart Quotes) Music will always be a part of my life, but career-wise, acting is where my heart is  (My Heart Quotes) Let’s just say that I’ve had my heart broken more than once, and never learned a thing  (My Heart Quotes) Most of all I like to sing my heart out to lyrics that really speak to people  (My Heart Quotes) Dear Lady Gaga, thank you for the wonderful tribute. Oh my God, it really warmed my heart!  (My Heart Quotes) He looked at me and my heart melted. You can’t tell me that wasnt love because I felt it  (My Heart Quotes) You are forever in my heart, no matter the distance, or the time we are apart  (My Heart Quotes) He put in your heart certain wishes and plans; in my heart, he put other different desires  (My Heart Quotes) Dont mind me I’m just a teenage girl with mood swings and a shield over my heart  (My Heart Quotes) No matter how many times I try and move on, my heart always takes me back here to you  (My Heart Quotes) I love you. You don’t have to love me back, but I’m gonna give you my heart anyways  (My Heart Quotes) The higher I build the walls around my heart, the harder I fall when someone tears them down  (My Heart Quotes) Thank you for being a great dad to us! Your memories will always live in the very core of my heart  (My Heart Quotes) Being with you breaks all the rules, but being without you breaks my heart  (My Heart Quotes) He touched my heart with a thousand pleasures and broke it into million pieces  (My Heart Quotes) My biggest mistake was giving you my heart and trusting that you wouldn’t break it  (My Heart Quotes) How do I make my heart start healing when it has never stopped beating for you  (My Heart Quotes) If you’re not the one, then why doses my heart tells me that you are  (My Heart Quotes) I am proud of my heart, it’s been played, cheated and broken, but it still works  (My Heart Quotes) Don’t judge me on the way I look, judge me on what you see in my heart  (My Heart Quotes) In you I’ve found my knight in shining armor. Love you with all my heart  (My Heart Quotes) Sometimes I have to realize that some people can stay in my hearts but not in my life  (My Heart Quotes) Sometimes I know in my heart I love someone, but I have to go away before my head can figure it out  (My Heart Quotes) I’ll remember you not as the one who broke my heart, but as the one who taught me how to love  (My Heart Quotes) Every time I manage to let you go, you somehow manage to sneak right back into my heart  (My Heart Quotes) There’s no longer room in my mind for people who aren’t worthy of being in my heart  (My Heart Quotes)
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