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My Heart Quotes

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The rain comes down harder as I write. It sheets off the roof in torrents. I wish it would pound against me. Pound the life from my body. The flesh from my bones. The pain from my heart  (My Heart Quotes) I look around myself wildly, my heart bursting with grief and fear and joy. I am leaving, but I will take this place and its stories with me wherever I go  (My Heart Quotes) I cannot worship the abstractions of virtue: she only charms me when she addresses herself to my heart, speaks through the love from which she springs  (My Heart Quotes) In the depths of my heart I can't help being convinced that my dear fellow men, with a few exceptions, are worthless  (My Heart Quotes) The wish falls often warm upon my heart that I may learn nothing here that I cannot continue in the other world; that I may do nothing here but deeds that will bear fruit in heaven  (My Heart Quotes) My heart went into triple time, like that burst you get when you realize the ball is going over the heads of all the outfielders  (My Heart Quotes) Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts  (My Heart Quotes) I am not as I once was. They have done this to me, broken me open and torn out my heart. I do not know who I am anymore. I must try to remember  (My Heart Quotes) This creature softened my heart of stone. She died and with her died my last warm feelings for humanity  (My Heart Quotes) I - my heart - a gaping heart, enthroned in a radiance of blood. It is mine, it is ours. The heart - that wound which we have. I have compassion on myself  (My Heart Quotes) So I want to thank the Pentagon, the Soviet Union and the military industrial complex from the bottom of my heart. Without them, I could never have become the man I am today  (My Heart Quotes) Wakings are the worst times - almost before my eyes are open a great weight seems to roll on to my heart  (My Heart Quotes) I am earth, earth my heart's love bursts with hay and flowers. I am a lake of blue air in which my own appointed place field and valley stand reflected  (My Heart Quotes) O hiding hair and dewy eyes, I am no more with life and death, my heart upon his warm heart lies, my breath is mixed into his breath  (My Heart Quotes) So like a bit of stone I lie under a broken tree. I could recover if I shrieked my heart's agony to passing bird, but I am dumb  (My Heart Quotes) Every road I walked would take me down to the sea with every broken promise in my sack and every love would always send the ship of my heart over the rolling sea  (My Heart Quotes) I send my heart up to thee, all my heart In this my singing! For the stars help me, and the sea bear part  (My Heart Quotes) Please send me your last pair of shoes, worn out with dancing as you mentioned in your letter, so that I might have something to press against my heart  (My Heart Quotes) More than every once in awhile, More than most dreams, More than just my heart, More than anything, More than you know, And more than I can say, I've loved you more Every passing day  (My Heart Quotes) I gave him a piece of my heart a long time ago, and once you give that away, I've learned you don't so easily get it back  (My Heart Quotes) I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life  (My Heart Quotes) There's only one thing that warms my heart, and that is the thought that we are going to sweep away these bourgeois  (My Heart Quotes) A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not  (My Heart Quotes) I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph, and there is purpose and worth to each and every life  (My Heart Quotes) I've not ceased being fearful, I've gone ahead despite the pounding in my heart that says: turn back, turn back, you'll die if you go too far  (My Heart Quotes) It was nice standing out in the darkness, in the damp grass, with spring coming on and a feeling in my heart of imminent disaster  (My Heart Quotes) My heart was simultaneously broken and filled with lust, I was exhausted, and I loved every minute of it. It was strange and elating to find myself for once the weaker  (My Heart Quotes) I held the feeling in my heart; the urge to discuss it died out. There was all the time in the world. In the endless repetition of other nights, other mornings, this moment, too, might become a dream  (My Heart Quotes) Cold and silence. Nothing quieter than snow. The sky screams to deliver it, a hundred banshees flying on the edge of the blizzard. But once the snow covers the ground, it hushes as still as my heart  (My Heart Quotes) I want to eat like a normal person eats, but I need to see my bones or I will hate myself even more and I might cut out my heart or take every pill that was ever made  (My Heart Quotes)
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