My Heart Quotes

Text Quotes
I am frozen by a mass which supports me. My elbow sinks into it. It is the horse's belly; it's rigid leg obliquely bars the narrow circle from which my eyes cannot escape. Ah, it is dead! It seems to me that my breast is empty, yet still there is an echo in my heart. What I am looking for is life (My Heart Quotes)
You've done well to say all that! Yes, it is always easy to lie for a moment. You might have lied, but it would have been worse when we woke up from the lies. It's a reward to talk. Perhaps it's the only reward there is. She said that profoundly, right to the bottom of my heart (My Heart Quotes)
Equal to the gods seems to me that man who sits facing you and hears you nearby sweetly speaking and softly laughing. This sets my heart to fluttering in my breast, for when I look on you a moment, then can I speak no more, but my tongue falls silent, and at once a delicate flame courses beneath my skin, and with my eyes I see nothing, and my ears hum, and a cold sweat bathes me, and a trembling seizes me all over, and I am paler than grass, and I feel that I am near to death (My Heart Quotes)
Sweetest mother, I can weave no more today, for thoughts of him come thronging, him for whom my heart is longing - for I know not where my weary fingers stray (My Heart Quotes)
I've looked on many women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. God knows I will do this and forgives me (My Heart Quotes)
I need music. It's like my heartbeat, so to speak. It keeps me going no matter what's going on - bad games, press, whatever! (My Heart Quotes)
I want your life filling and stirring me. I want your happiness beneath my heart and your sorrows in my eyes and your peace in the fingers of my hand (My Heart Quotes)
There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness (My Heart Quotes)
From in the shadow she calls. And in the shadow she finds a way, finds a way. And in the shadow she crawls, clutching her faded photograph. My image under her thumb. Yes with a message for my heart. She's been everybody else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own (My Heart Quotes)
I'm opening up my heart to the idea of dating. It's funny - my friends would always come to me for romantic advice. I know nothing, and things have changed since I was dating in high school! I'm really trying hard to spend this time working on myself (My Heart Quotes)
I show them the funny part, the silly part, the laughing part, the crazy part and then the really deep, deep part where I'm talking from my heart to these people. Because I've been through everything they've been through (My Heart Quotes)
I cannot weep, for all my body's moisture scarce serves to quench my furnace - burning heart; nor can my tongue unload my heart's great burden, for selfsame wind that I should speak withal is kindling coals that fires all my breast and burns me up with flames that tears would quench (My Heart Quotes)
I have nothing against the Queen of England. Even in my heart I never resented her for not being Jackie Kennedy. She is, to my mind, a very gallant lady, victimized by whoever it is who designs the tops of her uniforms (My Heart Quotes)
My heart sings of your longing for me, and my thoughts climb down to marvel at your mercy. I do not fear as you gather up my days. Your name is the sweetness of time, and you carry me close into the night, speaking consolations, drawing down lights from the sky, saying, See how the night has no terrors for one who remembers the name (My Heart Quotes)
I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust (My Heart Quotes)
God is not remote from us. He is at the point of my pen, my (pick) shovel, my paint brush, my (sewing) needle - and my heart and thoughts (My Heart Quotes)
My true love hath my heart, and I have his, by just exchange, one for the other given: I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss, there never was a better bargain driven (My Heart Quotes)
I never heard the old song of Percy and Douglas that I found not my heart moved more than with a trumpet (My Heart Quotes)
All the fear has left me now, I'm not frightened anymore. It's my heart that pounds beneath my flesh, it's my mouth that pushes out this breath (My Heart Quotes)
It's little I know what's in my heart, What's in my mind it's little I know, But there's that in me must up and start, and it's little I care where my feet go (My Heart Quotes)
My heart is warm with friends I make, and better friends I'll not be knowing, Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take, No matter where it's going (My Heart Quotes)
Every morning I walk like this around the pond, thinking: if the doors of my heart ever close, I am as good as dead (My Heart Quotes)
She, however, attentively watched my looks, and her artist's pride was gratified, no doubt, to read my heartfelt admiration in my eyes (My Heart Quotes)
Though I hate him from my heart, and should rejoice at any calamity that could befall him, I'll leave him to God; and though I abhor my own life, I'll leave that, too, to Him that gave it (My Heart Quotes)
It was the first time I'd ever said the words to another person, and the sound of them broke open my heart (My Heart Quotes)
And me I'm in my bedroom drawing in my notebook because my hand thinks I'm an artist but my heart knows I'm a poet it's just words they mean so little to me (My Heart Quotes)
The blackness would stir and eventually go away, and God would remain, a shining point of light in my heart. I would go on loving (My Heart Quotes)
Intimacy with God is that I can come in with the honesty of my heart, tell Him how much I'm hurting (My Heart Quotes)
The shape of my life is, of course, determined by many things; my background and childhood, my mind and it's education, my conscience and it's pressures, my heart and it's desires (My Heart Quotes)
Manchester United is still in my heart. Disappointed they didn't win the title but they are still the kings of Premier League (My Heart Quotes)