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My Heart Quotes

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One sweet, sad secret holds my heart in thrall; a mighty love within my breast has grown, unseen, unspoken, and of no one known; and of my sweet, who gave it, least of all  (My Heart Quotes) I pant beyond expression for two days of absolute and unbroken leisure. If it were not for my love of beautiful nature and poetry, my heart would have died within me long ago  (My Heart Quotes) Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts, or carry smiles and sunshine in my face, when discontent sits heavy at my heart  (My Heart Quotes) By heavens, my love, thou dost distract my soul! There’s not a tear that falls from those dear eyes, but makes my heart weep blood  (My Heart Quotes) My heart resembles the ocean; has storm, and ebb and flow; and many a beautiful pearl lies hid in its depths below  (My Heart Quotes) And my heart springs anew, bright and confident and true, and the old love comes to meet me, in the dawning and the dew  (My Heart Quotes) I’d rather be eccentric and artistic, than be normal and have not one inch of art flowing through my heart  (My Heart Quotes) The morning I got up to begin this book I coughed. Something was coming out of my throat: it was strangling me. I broke the thread which held it and yanked it out. I went back to bed and said: I have just spat out my heart  (My Heart Quotes) Yeah, tell me I’m a bottle of single malt scotch, she thought. That’s the way to my heart  (My Heart Quotes) I like the way my heart beats, I like the way I think; I don’t need or want anything to change that  (My Heart Quotes) Today I can declare my hope and declare it from the bottom of my heart that we will eventually see the time when that number of nuclear weapons is down to zero and the world is a much better place  (My Heart Quotes) Films are a whole new world that I’m excited to explore. But being on stage is very close to my heart; it has given me a sense of belonging. I will always try to find a way to balance both  (My Heart Quotes) I love ballads. I’m not into fast songs. I love to put my heart and all of my feelings into a song  (My Heart Quotes) Whenever I was on the podium, it felt weird. I was obviously happy to have done well, but it wasn’t truly happy from the bottom of my heart  (My Heart Quotes) I went to a great church here in L.A., gave my heart to the Lord and felt freedom from things I’ve carried throughout my life that I just thought, ‘I don’t have to carry them any more.’  (My Heart Quotes) My parents wanted me to be a doctor. So I took up science, but then realised that my heart was not in it at all. The thought of treating ailing people was very depressing  (My Heart Quotes) I’ve always wanted to take up work that my heart is convinced about. And I shall continue to do so  (My Heart Quotes) I don’t try to be someone I’m not - I’ve always followed my heart and trance has always been my main sound  (My Heart Quotes) For years I have been mourning and not for my dead, it is for this boy for whatever corner in my heart died when his childhood slid out of my arms  (My Heart Quotes) Make my breast transparent as pure crystal, that the world, jealous of me, may see the foulest thought my heart does hold  (My Heart Quotes) When I feel the joy of receiving a gift my heart nudges me to join creation’s ballet, the airy dance of giving and receiving, and getting and giving again  (My Heart Quotes) But my heart is not weary; it’s light and it’s free I’ve got nothing but affection for those who’ve sailed with me  (My Heart Quotes) I will bathe in your warmth ma petite. Roll you around me until my heart beats only for you. My breath will grow warm from your kiss  (My Heart Quotes) Give me that man that is not passion’s slave, and I will wear him in my heart’s core, in my heart of heart, as I do thee  (My Heart Quotes) If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with  (My Heart Quotes) No, my heart will not yet despair. Gandalf fell and has returned and is with us. We may stand, if only on one leg, or at least be left still upon our knees  (My Heart Quotes) During the year I stood there I had known was the loss of my heart. While I was in love I was the happiest man on earth  (My Heart Quotes) I’ll love you with all my heart, in every life, through every death. I will not be bound by anything but my love for you  (My Heart Quotes) The feeling of arms around me, of love in my heart, it was more powerful than any of the negativity I knew was existing in the world for me. That feeling of love killed it all  (My Heart Quotes) I swore I could feel my lies slithering inside me like snakes, wrapping themselves around me and constricting. I felt they were squeezing the air from my lungs, tightening around my heart  (My Heart Quotes)
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