My husband thinks I'm crazy. But I'm not the one who married me

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My husband thinks I'm crazy. But I'm not the one who married me
When I first met my husband, I never would have imagined that he would one day think I'm crazy. We were so in love, so connected, so perfect for each other. But as time went on and life threw its curveballs at us, things started to change. Our once harmonious relationship began to show cracks, and my husband's perception of me began to shift.I can't pinpoint exactly when it happened, but at some point, my husband started to question my decisions, my actions, my thoughts. He would look at me with a mixture of confusion and concern, as if he couldn't quite understand where I was coming from. And then one day, he said it out loud: "You're crazy."
At first, I was hurt. How could the man who once loved me so deeply now think I was crazy? But as I reflected on his words, I realized that maybe he was right. Maybe I was a little crazy. But not in the way he thought.
You see, I had always been a free spirit, a dreamer, a risk-taker. I didn't conform to society's expectations or follow the beaten path. I followed my heart, my intuition, my dreams. And sometimes, that led me to make decisions that seemed crazy to others.
But here's the thing: I'm not the one who married me. My husband knew who I was when he said "I do." He knew that I was a little wild, a little unpredictable, a little unconventional. And yet, he chose to marry me anyway.
So when he looks at me now and thinks I'm crazy, I can't help but smile. Because maybe I am a little crazy. But I'm also passionate, creative, adventurous, and fiercely independent. And those are the qualities that he fell in love with in the first place.
So yes, my husband may think I'm crazy. But I'm not the one who married me. And I wouldn't have it any other way.