My interests are different now than they were thirty years ago

My interests are different now than they were thirty years ago
Thirty years ago, Terry Brooks was already an established author in the fantasy genre, known for his epic Shannara series and other works. At that time, my interests were likely more focused on exploring the worlds he created and immersing myself in the adventures of his characters. However, as time has passed, my interests have evolved and changed in ways that I never could have predicted.One of the biggest shifts in my interests over the past thirty years has been towards a greater appreciation for the complexities of character development and storytelling. While I still enjoy a good fantasy novel, I now find myself drawn more towards works that delve deeper into the human experience and explore the intricacies of relationships, emotions, and personal growth. This shift in focus has led me to explore a wider range of genres and authors, seeking out stories that challenge my perceptions and expand my understanding of the world.