My Wife Quotes

Text Quotes
At the end of the day, what I cherish most are the human relationships. With the unfailing support of my wife and partner I have lived my life to the fullest. It is the friendships I made and the close family ties I nurtured that have provided me with that sense of satisfaction at a life well lived, and have made me what I am (My Wife Quotes)
I have studied the effects of our new lots of polio vaccine in 100 adult volunteers and during the next few days shall give it to my wife and 2 children as well as to our neighbors and their children (My Wife Quotes)
When I weed, I like to get off into my own head. For one thing, my wife plants and I have trouble telling which plants are weeds and which are my favorite plants. So I tend to hop around and grab the weeds that I know are weeds. So I don’t weed all that linearly. I tend to weed haphazardly (My Wife Quotes)
Take my wife... please. I’m not saying she’s ugly, but when she went to see a horror film, the audience thought she was making a personal appearance (My Wife Quotes)
Here among my books, my wife, my friends and my loves, I have plenty of reasons to keep living (My Wife Quotes)
I employed my wife for three years to sit in the attic and type up my autobiography, 700 pages, organise everywhere I go. I’m paying the normal rate of tax on the money I take out for myself (My Wife Quotes)
I’m lucky my wife is a strong woman. She’s one of the stronger people I’ve ever met. It’s hard for me to be away, but I know my home life is fine because my wife is there (My Wife Quotes)
When I’m with my wife, I know she’s a beautiful woman. I know that, and more than that, it’s what she is inside. She’s beautiful inside; she loves music like I do. That’s the thing that brought us together and probably keeps us together (My Wife Quotes)
When I met my wife 20 plus years ago, she was a vegetarian, so I was the closest thing to the devil that she had ever met (My Wife Quotes)
I thought being on stage was an amazing feeling, but there is nothing that can top watching my wife bring our son into this world (My Wife Quotes)
You know, I used to think I was a foodie, and then my wife went to culinary school and basically explained to me that I was just a guy that likes to eat (My Wife Quotes)
The happiest I have ever been is in the life that I led with my wife and kids (My Wife Quotes)
We found that our kids enjoy those simple adventures we take as a family. I’m driving, my wife’s the copilot and we give one kid a choice of what they want to go do. We eat a lot of bad food and sleep in some interesting hotels (My Wife Quotes)
I go light on breakfast. Sometimes it’s a yogurt, but a lot of times it’s leftovers from one of my wife’s dinners (My Wife Quotes)
I’m endlessly fascinated by parenting, marriage, my wife and the ins and outs of marriage (My Wife Quotes)
I used to get so jealous if my wife liked another band more than my own. Come to think of it, I still do (My Wife Quotes)
My first priority is to my wife, as hers is to me, and to our child (My Wife Quotes)
My wife is my favorite person I’ve ever met in my 40 years on the planet, and I’m sure she would agree that patience is not her strongest characteristic. I don’t know that golf would be the game for her (My Wife Quotes)
I think my wife has always been aware, whatever country we have been in, of my dramatic leading man status; a little too dramatic she would probably say (My Wife Quotes)
My wife comes with me on all the movies, but she is not an appendage to a film star or anything like that. She is a completely intertwined partner. She is the other half of me. Also, we’re still very much in love with each other. We always have been, we always will be (My Wife Quotes)
What’s the difference between my wife and a terrorist? You can negotiate with a terrorist (My Wife Quotes)
I can’t throw books away. My wife is always telling me to get rid of some (My Wife Quotes)
My wife happens to be probably the greatest working woman in comedy. I can’t think of anyone who even approaches her achievements and her abilities (My Wife Quotes)
How much golf I actually play depends on whom you ask. My wife says I’m out there every day. If you ask me, the cricket is getting in the way of the golf (My Wife Quotes)
Since I got married my wife doesn’t really let me wear anything that I used to because she says I have no taste at all (My Wife Quotes)
When my wife gets mad at me, I remind myself that she is much smarter than I am and so I probably deserve it, even if I don’t really understand it! (My Wife Quotes)
I met my wife when we were both 19 or 20, at a music school where she was taking voice and piano lessons and I was doing classes in music theory and composition (My Wife Quotes)
Every once in a while, I run into somebody who tells me that she met her husband in my campaign or a husband who says, I met my wife. I have to tell you, I caused a few divorces too (My Wife Quotes)
Anyone with a grain of sense would know that if I punched my wife I would rip her head off. It’s all lies. I have never laid a finger on her (My Wife Quotes)
My wife had a miscarriage. We have rarely talked about it. It did make me more aware of the sanctity of human life, how precious every child is (My Wife Quotes)