Mystery Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s what we chase but never find. It is the mystery of our lives, the understanding that even when we have everything we want it is one day to leave us. It’s the something unseen, the lurking devastation, the darkness that gives our lives dimension (Mystery Quotes)
A friend is a beloved mystery; dearest always because he is not ourself, and has something in him which it is impossible for us to fathom. If it were not so, friendship would lose its chief zest (Mystery Quotes)
Beer does not make itself properly by itself. It takes an element of mystery and of things that no one can understand (Mystery Quotes)
I never stop to wonder why I’m not like other people. They mystery to me is why more people aren’t like me (Mystery Quotes)
The mystery of life is certainly the most persistent problem ever placed before the thought of man. There is no doubt that from the time humanity began to think it has occupied itself with the problem of its origin and its future which undoubtedly is the problem of life. The inability of science to solve it is absolute. This would be truly frightening were it not for faith (Mystery Quotes)
A garden is the mirror of a mind. It is a place of life, a mystery of green moving to the pulse of the year, and pressing on and pausing the whole to its own inherent rhythms (Mystery Quotes)
As long as our brain is a mystery, the universe, the reflection of the structure of the brain will also be a mystery (Mystery Quotes)
Can anything match that first fine discovery of the telephone and all it stood for? That first realization that, contained within ten simple digits, lay the infinitely possible? Out there... lay six billion ears, all the people in the world available for contact and mystery and insult, unable to resist the beckoning of one small and villainous forefinger (Mystery Quotes)
The only mystery about the cat is why it ever decided to become a domestic animal (Mystery Quotes)
At the deepest level, the creative process and the healing process arise from a single source. When you are an artist, you are a healer; a wordless trust of the same mystery is the foundation of your work and its integrity (Mystery Quotes)
Our practice is not to clear up the mystery. It is to make the mystery clear (Mystery Quotes)
What I look for is neither reality nor unreality but the subconscious, the instinctive mystery of the human race (Mystery Quotes)
Let me say that I don’t see any conflict between science and religion. I go to church as many other scientists do. I share with most religious people a sense of mystery and wonder at the universe and I want to participate in religious ritual and practices because they’re something that all humans can share (Mystery Quotes)
Science, while it penetrates deeply the system of things about us, sees everywhere, in the dim limits of vision, the word mystery (Mystery Quotes)
I maintain that the human mystery is incredibly demeaned by scientific reductionism, with its claim in promissory materialism to account eventually for all of the spiritual world in terms of patterns of neuronal activity. This belief must be classed as a superstition... We have to recognize that we are spiritual beings with souls existing in a spiritual world as well as material beings with bodies and brains existing in a material world (Mystery Quotes)
It was my science that drove me to the conclusion that the world is much more complicated than can be explained by science. It is only through the supernatural that I can understand the mystery of existence (Mystery Quotes)
A cosmic mystery of immense proportions, once seemingly on the verge of solution, has deepened and left astronomers and astrophysicists more baffled than ever. The crux... is that the vast majority of the mass of the universe seems to be missing (Mystery Quotes)
I find it quite improbable that such order came out of chaos. There has to be some organizing principle. God to me is a mystery but is the explanation for the miracle of existence, why there is something instead of nothing (Mystery Quotes)
Every being has its own interior, its self, its mystery, its numinous aspect. To deprive any being of this sacred quality is to disrupt the total order of the universe. Reverence will be total or it will not be at all. The universe does not come to us in pieces any more than a human individual stands before us with some part of his/her being (Mystery Quotes)
Remember that you don’t choose love. Love chooses you. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into your life. Feel the way it fills you to overflowing, then reach out and give it away (Mystery Quotes)
Is childhood ever long enough, or a happy time, or even a beautiful summer day? All of these carry the seeds of the same fierce mystery that we call death (Mystery Quotes)
Death is a vast mystery, but there are two things we can say about it: It is absolutely certain that we will die, and it is uncertain when or how we will die. The only surety we have, then, is this uncertainty about the hour of our death, which we seize on as the excuse to postpone facing death directly. We are like children who cover their eyes in a game of hide and seek and think that no one can see them (Mystery Quotes)
She was able to feel active creation going on around her in the rocks and hills, where the mystery of lust took place; and in herself, where all was yet only the night of senses and wild dreams, the work of passion going on (Mystery Quotes)
Improvisation is a great mystery. You play something, and you play an answer to it. Then you play something to wrap it up. Nothing is going through your mind; you’re not thinking of anything. Every now and then you surprise yourself. Where did that come from? (Mystery Quotes)
The intellectual’s hostility to the businessman presents no mystery, as the two have, by function, wholly different standards. While the businessman’s motto is the customer is always right, the intellectual’s task is to preserve his perceived standards against the weight of popular opinion (Mystery Quotes)
The sources of deflation are not a mystery. Deflation is in almost all cases a side effect of a collapse of aggregate demand.. a drop in spending so severe that producers must cut prices on an ongoing basis in order to find buyers (Mystery Quotes)
God must be very great to have created a world that leaves a mystery as to whether he created it (Mystery Quotes)
At one level inspiration is the ability to see beauty and mystery in everything men and women do (Mystery Quotes)
At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life (Mystery Quotes)
Writin songs is like a mystery. The most difficult thing to do is have a good idea. If you have a decent idea, the songs are the easy part. Actually having something to say is the hard part. If you get an idea for a song, then it pulls you along. There are just some ideas that you get that are really hard to edit out; it’s hard to stop thinking about some bad ideas. So you just finish it and you end up putting it on a record (Mystery Quotes)