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Mystery Quotes

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I don’t think it does the audience any good to know what I do to prepare. It keeps it more of a surprise. I don’t feel like it has to be a mystery  (Mystery Quotes) Colour is the ultimate in art. It is still and will always remain a mystery to us, we can only apprehend it intuitively in flowers  (Mystery Quotes) Marvelous as may be the power of my dog to understand my moods, deathless as his affection and fidelity, his mental state is as unsolved a mystery to me as it was to my remotest ancestor  (Mystery Quotes) We strive toward knowledge, always more knowledge, but must understand that we are, and will remain, surrounded by mystery  (Mystery Quotes) The philosopher aspires to explain away all mysteries, to dissolve them into light. Mystery, on the other hand, is demanded and pursued by the religious instinct; mystery constitutes the essence of worship  (Mystery Quotes) Time is the central mystery of our existence. It confines and defines us in many ways  (Mystery Quotes) It is not a matter of life and death. It is not that important. But it is a reflection of life, and so the game is an enigma wrapped in a mystery impaled on a conundrum  (Mystery Quotes) A mystery is not a puzzle waiting to be solved, but rather something for which there is no human solution. Mystery’s offspring is not frustration but awe, and that sense of awe grows in tandem with knowledge  (Mystery Quotes) If one really does try to find out why it is that people don’t leave each other, one discovers a mystery. It is because they can’t; they are bound. And nobody on earth knows what are the bonds that bind them except those two  (Mystery Quotes) You have your own perceptions as an artist because you’re put on this planet to create mystery, but you’re put here to unravel mysteries too  (Mystery Quotes) What a mystery this is, desire. The love sickness, the sensitivity, the obsession, the flutter of the heart, the ebb and flow of the blood. There is no drug and no alcohol to equal it  (Mystery Quotes) It’s a mystery to me how anyone ever gets any nourishment in this place. They must eat their meals standing up by the window so as to be sure of not missing anything  (Mystery Quotes) To every man in the world there is one person of whom he knows little: whom he would never recognize if he met him walking down the street, whose motives are a mystery to him. That is himself  (Mystery Quotes) The three ingredients of poetry: the mystery of the universe, spiritual curiosity, the energy of language  (Mystery Quotes) The world is full of mystery but it must not be choked with secrets: we must talk to one another  (Mystery Quotes) In a mystery, you must play fair by giving all the clues, but disguise them by immediately distracting the reader with something else  (Mystery Quotes) Some things will always remain a mystery at this level of consciousness, and it is right that they should. So do not try to solve all the mysteries. Give the universe a chance. It will unfold itself in due course. Enjoy the experience of becoming  (Mystery Quotes) Keep alive the fact that a mystery has come into existence and that a physical being serves as a house for this mystery  (Mystery Quotes) Poems are taught as though the poet has put a secret key in his words and it is the reader’s job to find it. Poems are not mystery novels  (Mystery Quotes) The mystery story is two stories in one: the story of what happened and the story of what appeared to happen  (Mystery Quotes) The boys had learned that laughter stilled anxiety. It cleared away mystery. If you could laugh at something, it erased its importance  (Mystery Quotes) The function of a writer is to make sense of life. It is such a mystery, it changes all the time, like the light  (Mystery Quotes) Love, which is a madness, and a scourge, and a fever, and a delusion, and a snare, is also a mystery, and very imperfectly understood by everyone except the individual sufferer who writhes under its tortures  (Mystery Quotes) This thing called love was a total mystery to me, but the vagaries of passion and despair that accompanied each devotion kept my life in high drama  (Mystery Quotes) The problem is that the dictator of the tonal wants to eliminate the mystery of life  (Mystery Quotes) If you’re being ignored, that’s a good time to concentrate on finding yourself and creating your own mystery  (Mystery Quotes) It’s been a mystery to me and a disappointment why conversation about health care reform hasn’t turned more attention to the subject of food  (Mystery Quotes) The solving of almost every crime mystery depends on something which seems, at first glance, to bear no relation whatever to the original crime  (Mystery Quotes) You are not an artist simply because you paint or sculpt or make pots that cannot be used. An artist is a poet in his or her own medium. And when an artist produces a good piece, that work has mystery, an unsaid quality; it is alive  (Mystery Quotes) I draw the line at letting people into my songwriting cave. To me, that’s where the alchemy happens and where the mystery is  (Mystery Quotes)
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