Myth Quotes

Text Quotes
One of the pillars of backward thinking in America is the idea that you can have jobs or you can have clean air and water, but you can’t have both. That myth has been busted a thousand times, but still it lives on. (Myth Quotes)
People seek escape in myth by any means at their disposal, including drugs, alcohol, meditation, and lies. (Myth Quotes)
The myth of the impossible dream is more powerful than all the facts of history (Myth Quotes)
Contrary to a common myth, while there are general guidelines, there is no exact ‘right’ way to run ... I am amazed by the many ways people move forward. (Myth Quotes)
To one American family out of four, the idea of capitalism as a benign system of comfort , dignity , and personal advance is only a myth , or worse, a bitter mockery. (Myth Quotes)
Futurism is another American myth: whether Kennedy, Johnson, Reagan or Obama, American presidents all come into office with a new program, and the conviction that the country is going to be better than ever. (Myth Quotes)
Today, aid to Colombia is given under the pretext of a drug war. That’s pretty hard to take seriously. Ten years ago, Amnesty International flatly called it a myth. (Myth Quotes)
The myth of Good Guys and Bad Guys is one of the most pervasive we own, and morally grey anti-heroes are simply one of modern fiction’s attempts to shake off that mythology and replace it with something a bit more honest. (Myth Quotes)
No matter what a woman’s appearance may be, it will be used to undermine what she is saying and taken to individualize - as her personal problem - observations she makes about the beauty myth in society. (Myth Quotes)
Ever since childhood, I’ve been interested in history and myth. Not just the facts and figures of the past, but everything that contributes to shape our perception of an age: architecture, art, literature and so forth. (Myth Quotes)
I worked with Stanley Kubrick for almost a year back in 1990, trying to develop the screen story for his project ‘Artificial Intelligence,’ which is about a robot boy who wishes to become a real boy, a future scientific fairy tale inspired in the myth of Pinocchio. (Myth Quotes)
Nothing I had written before ‘Mary Poppins’ had anything to do with children, and I have always assumed, when I thought about it at all, that she had come out of the same wall of nothingness as the poetry, myth and legend that had absorbed me all my writing life. (Myth Quotes)
Myth, legend, and ritual ... function to maintain a status quo. That makes them singularly bad in coping with change, indeed counterproductive, for change is the enemy of myth. (Myth Quotes)
I never pulled a loaded pistol on anybody, but it got around that I did. It got turned into lore. It’s a myth. There’s so much bad gun stuff. (Myth Quotes)
Creation stories, so central in the religions of the Middle East, play a surprisingly marginal part in Greek myth. The Greeks had nothing to set alongside the resounding ‘In the beginning’ in the book of Genesis, where one eternal God creates the universe out of nothing. (Myth Quotes)
We’ve spent now about 150 years trying to convince ourselves that photographs are reliable evidence, some unimpeachable slice of the real world. That was a myth from the very beginning. (Myth Quotes)
There’s a myth that free-to-play is cheaper than a $60 game. It’s just elastic. For some users, it winds up being a lot more expensive. I would have paid $150 a year to get a better version of FIFA. (Myth Quotes)
There would be no need for love if perfection were possible. Love arises from our imperfection, from our being different and always in need of the forgiveness, encouragement and that missing half of ourselves that we are searching for, as the Greek myth tells us, in order to complete ourselves. (Myth Quotes)
The biggest myth about aging is that we can’t do anything about it. That it’s a road to being decrepit, frail, and sick. (Myth Quotes)
North Korea is not an exception. Even there, where you think it would be completely sober, they have the myth of their revolution being connected to the volcano. (Myth Quotes)
The grandest seduction of all is the myth that DOING EVERYTHING BETTER gets us where we want to be. It gets us somewhere, certainly, but not anywhere worth being (Myth Quotes)
Admixing the inner space of dream, trance, and myth with the events of everyday existence characterized every belief system worldwide before the Greeks.....time meandered back and forth between reality and myth. (Myth Quotes)
I don’t believe in the transformation myth, where if you have more success, life changes for you. (Myth Quotes)
As Plotinus tells us, we elected the body, the parents, the place, and the circumstances that suited the soul and that, as the myth says, belongs to its necessity. (Myth Quotes)
In the 20th century, the French managed to get a death on the myth that they produce the world’s best food. The hype has been carefully orchestrated, and despite the fact that the most popular food in the last quarter has undoubtedly been Italian, the French have managed to maintain that mental grip. (Myth Quotes)
I would say that Juventus is a myth not only in Italy, because it’s the most loved team in Italy, but also around the world. And it has been in my family since birth. (Myth Quotes)
Unfortunately, ‘post racism’ is also a myth, like unicorns and black people who survive to the end of a horror movie. (Myth Quotes)
You know why we’re stuck with the myth that only black people have soul? Because white people don’t let themselves feel things. (Myth Quotes)
The superabundance is an ecological myth that we will never run out of resources, that the Earth, that Gaia, is in this perpetual state of renewal. And the contagious magic is the blind belief that this is the case, and the reason we’re careering towards ecological disaster. (Myth Quotes)
Myth: Vampires eat only raw meat or drink blood.Truth: Why would we do that when there’s chocolate in the world? (Myth Quotes)