Name Quotes

Text Quotes
The soldiers that didn’t come back were the heroes. It’s a roll of the dice. If a bullet has your name on it, you’re a hero. If you hear a bullet go by, you’re a survivor (Name Quotes)
Modernism in other arts brought extreme difficulty. In poetry, the characteristic difficulty imported under the name of modernism was obscurity. But obscurity could just as easily be a quality of metrical as of free verse (Name Quotes)
I loved being on the field playing and teaching softball. I didn’t like the fact that a camp had my name on it and I didn’t know the logistics of what was going on. I wanted to make sure I was involved in a camp that did things right (Name Quotes)
Each time a new war is disclosed in the name of the fight of the good against evil, those who are killed are all poor. It’s always the same story repeating once and again and again (Name Quotes)
I’m 43. I’m not ready to sit down in a chair with my name on it yet (Name Quotes)
If I put my name on something, I’m going to be involved. I’m not just going to put my name on it and not pay attention (Name Quotes)
A lot of people resent that I’ve been in someone’s life for 50 years. Why shouldn’t people have an affection for me and what I’ve done? Didn’t I have to be genuine for them to buy into what I did? There are children who grow up today who will not have that when they’re 55 years old. With whom will they have it? Name an example for me (Name Quotes)
And that’s my honour, that’s what my goal is, to always keep my mum’s name ringing, because I know what sacrifices she went through for me (Name Quotes)
One of my great regrets, and I don’t have many, is that I spent too long putting people’s status and reputation ahead of their more important qualities. I learned far too late in life that a long list of letters after someone’s name is no guarantee of compassion, kindness, humour, all the far more relevant stuff (Name Quotes)
It’s no secret that I’ve been reluctant to use my name for things (Name Quotes)
I want to reach the point where people hear my name and immediately think of real country music (Name Quotes)
Anytime an artist puts your name in a song, it’s unbelievable. It never gets old (Name Quotes)
I think it is quite untrue that it is standard journalistic practice to name the interviewer when quoting from an interview (Name Quotes)
The poet’s job is to put into words those feelings we all have that are so deep, so important, and yet so difficult to name, to tell the truth in such a beautiful way, that people cannot live without it (Name Quotes)
... in the business of writing what one accumulates is not expertise but uncertainties. Which is but another name for craft (Name Quotes)
If you are thinking about something that happened a long time ago: Somebody asked you a question and you did not know the answer. That is my name (Name Quotes)
He tried to name which of the deadly seven might apply, and when he failed he decided to append an eighth, regret (Name Quotes)
Hahnji, mister, you must be patient. Before you can name that corner, our future must become past (Name Quotes)
Utopia is the process of making a better world, the name for one path history can take, a dynamic, tumultuous, agonizing process, with no end. Struggle forever (Name Quotes)
You may not believe in magic but something very strange is happening at this very moment. Your head has dissolved into thin air and I can see the rhododendrons through your stomach. It’s not that you are dead or anything dramatic like that, it is simply that you are fading away and I can’t even remember your name (Name Quotes)
And now he’s down this for me. He’s made me famous. He’s put my name on the world (Name Quotes)
.. this indiscriminate love feels entirely serious to her, as if everything in the world is part of a vast, inscrutable intention and everything in the world has its own secret name, a name that cannot be conveyed in language but is simply the sight and feel of the thing itself (Name Quotes)
This earth, burnished by hearing the name, is so certain of love,?that the sky bends unceasingly down, to greet its own light (Name Quotes)
Don’t sign your name between worlds, surmount the manifold of meanings, trust the tearstain, learn to live (Name Quotes)
There’s a scientific hypothesis that every person’s name is a primary suggestive command that contains the entire script of their life in highly concentrated form... According to this point of view, there is only a limited number of names, because society only needs a limited number of human types. Just a few models of worker and warrior ants, if I could put it like that. And everybody’s psyche is preprogrammed at a basic level by the associative semantic fields that their first name and surname activate (Name Quotes)
The traveling salesmen fed me pills that made the lining of my veins feel scraped out, my jaw ached... I knew every raindrop by its name, I sensed everything before it happened. Like I knew a certain oldsmobile would stop even before it slowed, and by the sweet voices of the family inside, I knew we’d have an accident in the rain. I didn’t care. They said they’d take me all the way (Name Quotes)
I could not get my fill of looking. There should be a song for women to sing at this moment or a prayer to recite. But perhaps there is none because there are no words strong enough to name that moment (Name Quotes)
Norah looked at her son’s tiny face, surprised, as always, by his name. he had not grown into it yet, he still wore it like a wrist band, something that might easily slip off and disappear. She had read about people – where? she could not remember this either – who refused to name their children for several weeks, feeling them to be not yet of the earth, suspended still between two worlds (Name Quotes)
Ignition! blast off!!! the vessel needs a new name! something more appropriate to a starship. apollo? gemini? enterprise. already taken. millennium falcon. trademarked. all rights reserved. no! wait, I have it! dragin star! thats it! dragon star! (Name Quotes)
... you’re going to find people from all over the country, everyone hungry for money and position. You won’t make a name for yourself just doing what the next man does. You’ll have to distinguish yourself in some way (Name Quotes)