Named Quotes

Text Quotes
When launching a product called an Energy Drink and named Red Bull, a product that stimulates body and mind, it is a short step to the roots where Red Bull came from. We have been doing this for 20 years - now it’s called adventure sports, extreme sports, and outdoor sports. (Named Quotes)
Eventually, as my books became best-sellers, the nickels pile up and one day I was offered a substantial four-book deal that was lucrative as any airliner hijacking in history. Though writing those four books was hard work, at least I didn’t have to wear Kevlar body armor, carry heavy bandoliers of spare ammunition, or work with associates named Mad Dog. (Named Quotes)
Facebook is not very good at dealing with named groups; they’re not very good at saying, ‘We’ve got this book club and I’m a member and you’re not.’ But membership is one of the precursors to a lot of social action. (Named Quotes)
Here’s to bottle caps,the Yankees, and ‘birds’, and most of all...he paused and lowered his voice to a whisper.. and,most of all to a beautiful girl named Molly who refuses to believe the man-the man who loves her more than she’ll ever know (Named Quotes)
I wrote my first novel in eighth grade for a boy named Kenny on whom I had an unrequited crush and who sat behind me in social studies. (Named Quotes)
I love that name. A country named Chad. Sounds like somebody who lived next door to the Brady Bunch. But if Chad actually lived next door to the Bradys, Greg would be roasting over a slow fire and Marcia would be standing naked on an auction block, because Chad is one of the hungriest, craziest, most desperate places on the planet. (Named Quotes)
I realized how far-reaching the effect of hip hop was when I walked by a jewelry store named Bling in a small, rural town in France. Hip hop has made a huge impact on urban culture. Yet many brands still don’t speak to young people in a tone and manner that’s representative of them. (Named Quotes)
I like my name. My mom named me after a song by the 1970s group Bread. So, it’s meaningful, and I like the song. It’s a love song - kind of - but it’s kind of depressing and dark. (Named Quotes)
In seventh grade, with some vague sense that I wanted to be a writer, I crouched in the junior high school library stacks to see where my novels would eventually be filed. It was right after someone named Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. So I grabbed a Vonnegut book, ‘Breakfast of Champions’ and immediately fell in love. (Named Quotes)
I have a new show now called ‘The Bridge,’ where I play a guy who’s a real-life guy. My character’s based on the life of a guy named Craig Bromell who was a cop for 12 years and then became head of the police association, so basically the president of the union for 85,000 cops. (Named Quotes)
I respect everyone, from the homeless brother and sister on the street to the executive that sits in the highest office named President Barack Obama. I respect everyone - but we over-respect no one. (Named Quotes)
My dad’s a photographer. So I suppose he named me Ansel just in case I would take over the family business. I guess I failed him. (Named Quotes)
Kurt Cobain was Nirvana. He named the band, hired its members, played guitar, wrote the songs, fronted the band onstage and in interviews, and took responsibility for the band’s business decisions. (Named Quotes)
The Small Business Lending Fund was cleverly named by its authors last Congress. Since its implementation, however, it would appear a more appropriate name would be the Bailed Out Bank Refinancing Fund. (Named Quotes)
I want to have a street named ‘Swae Lee.’ It doesn’t need to be a busy street. (Named Quotes)
My name, my real name, is Tracy. I always thought I was like a boy named Sue. So I made my friends call me ‘Tray.’ (Named Quotes)
My mother, twenty-two, was Harriet Gautier Brooks, named for her paternal grandmother, but always called Hallie. My father, twenty-six, was Albert Horton Foote, named for his father and great-grandfather, and I was named Albert Horton Foote, Jr. (Named Quotes)
For the uninitiated, ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ is a daily comic strip detailing the antics of an unruly six-year-old and his misanthropic stuffed tiger. The boy, whose vocabulary is packed with more 10-dollar words than a GRE flashcard set, is named after John Calvin, the Reformation-era theologian who preached the doctrine of predestination. (Named Quotes)
The requirements for illustrating an eight-page story are as different from that of an ensemble-cast mini-series as they are different from a solo ongoing. Whether or not they’re named Captain America or Ruby Thursday matters less to me than whether or not their characterization is consistent and actions logical... storytelling concerns. (Named Quotes)
I’ve always loved dogs and have had one since I was three. We bought her from a kid selling puppies out of a cardboard box on the street where we lived in New York City. Great dog. We named her ‘Marcella’ after a Raggedy Ann character. She grew up with us. (Named Quotes)
There is a lot to celebrate about that little Babe who was laid in a manger. Christians celebrate Christmas because they are thankful for the promise of salvation, which was delivered in human flesh and named Jesus. (Named Quotes)
I changed high schools three times because my parents moved. I had one friend my freshman year named Miki Vukovich. Miki and I were the only skaters in our high school. He runs my foundation now. (Named Quotes)
One or two people have named their children after characters in my songs. That’s pretty intense. (Named Quotes)
My friends always said that I should be a comedienne - I was named my class clown (Named Quotes)
One time, I came off stage and a guy named Roman Decare, God rest his soul, he was a comic. ‘Louie, if you do that family stuff, and you’re a clean comic on stage, you’ll become famous.’ And, for some reason, a switch clicked, and I started doing the family stuff, and it became a giant part of my life. (Named Quotes)
When I was a kid growing up in Cleveland, I believed - completely, wholeheartedly, without reservation or pause - that the Cleveland Indians were named to honor a Native American ballplayer named Louis Sockalexis, who played for Cleveland in the late 19th Century. (Named Quotes)
The cows in Stella Gibbons’s immortal ‘Cold Comfort Farm’ are named Graceless, Aimless, Feckless and Pointless, and that more or less is the verdict on ‘Ocean’s Kingdom,’ the wildly hyped and wildly uninteresting collaboration between Peter Martins and Paul McCartney. (Named Quotes)
There is a woman named Wendy Wood, who did a study when she was at Duke, and she followed around college students to try to figure out how much of their day was decision-making versus how much was habit. And what she found was that about 45 percent of all the behaviors that someone did in a day was habit. (Named Quotes)
Believe it or not, the first spark for everything I’ve done today came down to me meeting one person in college who changed my life. A student named Anthony Adams who lived across the hall from me in our freshman dorm showed me what it meant to be an ‘entrepreneur’ when I saw him launch his own start-up company. (Named Quotes)
I come from Surajpur, a valley in Himachal Pradesh near Manali that is named after my great grandfather Sarju Singh Ranaut. (Named Quotes)