Names Quotes

Text Quotes
Being honoured with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame alongside the names of some of my childhood heroes is slightly surreal and incredibly awesome. (Names Quotes)
I was brought up in a family which valued natural history. Both my parents knew the names of all the British wildflowers, so as we went walking the country, I was constantly being exposed to a natural history sort of knowledge. (Names Quotes)
My dad worked two jobs and moved us to the suburbs, and just being a black person, I went through a lot of racism and being called names and being bullied every single day. And it was hard. I didn’t have any friends. (Names Quotes)
So does being cool mean you get to go around calling other people names? (Names Quotes)
Old money in Southeast Asia is much more discrete and low key. It’s about not wearing brand names. It’s about being invisible, almost. The billionaire can be taking the bus with you. (Names Quotes)
I’m a priest, not a priestess. Priestess implies mumbo jumbo and all sorts of pagan goings-on. Those who oppose us would love to call us priestesses. They can call us all the names in the world -- it’s better than being invisible. (Names Quotes)
A friend of mine told me a bunch of stuff on Buddhism and about Avicii being the lowest level of Buddhist hell, and it just sort of got stuck in my head. Later on when I went to setup a MySpace, I tried a bunch of names and they were all taken so I just kind of ended up with Avicii and then I got really attached to it. (Names Quotes)
Not everybody will get it. People will misinterpret you and what you do. They might even call you names. So get comfortable with being misunderstood, disparaged, or ignored -- the trick is to be too busy doing your work to care. (Names Quotes)
Ben Hur, who said to his sister Ben Him, We’d better swap names before they start calling me Ben Gay! Never got a dinner! (Names Quotes)
I remember as a little girl I could tell you the name of the dog next door, but I couldn’t tell you the names of the kids. The dog was my best friend. I love animals. They give so much to you and demand so little. (Names Quotes)
It’s gotten out of control. It’s taking bigger and bigger names to make smaller and smaller films. I worry that important films without a big name attached won’t get made at all. (Names Quotes)
The next big decision [of Donald Trump], chief of staff. And the two names talked about the most, Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus. Both allies, but they send quite a different message. (Names Quotes)
I had a big problem working with stars, because they are too expensive and have too many demands. Their names help you raise the money to make the movie, but then they demand close-ups. They change things. You end up doing things at their service instead of servicing the film. (Names Quotes)
A virtuos woman is not moved by big names and flamboyance, but only men of profound wisdom and integrity move her. (Names Quotes)
When I need to be precise about a plant, I use its Latin name, even if my nongardening friends sometimes look at me a little funny for using big words in a dead language - or in the kind of horticultural Esperanto that botanical names make up. (Names Quotes)
I’m going to publicly challenge the biggest names in religion to repent and give back the money they’ve ripped off from the poor. (Names Quotes)
On ‘State of Affairs,’ we’re going after some names that you wouldn’t think would traditionally do TV. A show that shoots in Los Angeles is such a rare bird in hand that I think we’re gonna have the pick of the litter. (Names Quotes)
It still may take some explaining, but many more women are keeping their birth names (and not calling them maiden names, with all the sexual double standards that implies). (Names Quotes)
In the black culture, certain kids are given nicknames that they roll with forever; the nicknames outweigh their real names. I’m one of those scenarios. (Names Quotes)
Black movies don’t have real names, they have names like Barbershop. That’s not a name, that’s just a location. (Names Quotes)
The curly red lines across the African deserts had the fascination of a magnet, and I hoped fervently that the pioneers who were writing their names over the blank spaces, would leave just one small desert for me. (Names Quotes)
Avoid restaurants with names that are improbable descriptions, such as the Purple Goose, the Blue Kangaroo or the Quilted Orangutan. (Names Quotes)
My parents sent me from Venezuela to the Convent of Our Lady, a boarding school in Hastings, which was horrible - like Harry Potter without the magic. Sometimes we went into town, and if we were caught chewing gum in our uniform, members of the public would take down our names and report us to the school. (Names Quotes)
When I took my shirt off against Caen, everybody asked what these new tattoos were. I had 15 removable tattoos on my body; they are the names of real people who are suffering from hunger in the world. (Names Quotes)
My personal telephone book is a book of the dead now. I’m so old. Almost all of my friends have died, and I don’t have the guts to take their names out of the book. (Names Quotes)
I have turned off Google Alerts and don’t Google my name or my pen names. I don’t go on message boards. I don’t read my book reviews. (Names Quotes)
This issue of border security is not about, about ethnicity. I sit there on occasion with 10 or 12 sheriffs from my district, many of which are Democrats with last names like Reyes, with last names like Herrera and Lucio. And they are crying out for border security as well. So again, this is not an issue about being anti-Mexican. (Names Quotes)
Marx and Engels are arguably history’s most famous couple. Such was the closeness of their collaboration that it is not always easy to recall which works bore both names, which just that of Marx, and which just Engels. (Names Quotes)
They got rid of bottled water. We got thermoses that say ‘Grey’s Anatomy Season 4’ with our names on it. Cool. (Names Quotes)
Forget land, buildings, or machines-the real source of wealth today is intelligence, applied intelligence. We talk glibly of intellectual property without taking on board what it really means. It isn’t just patent rights and brand names; it is the brains of the place. (Names Quotes)