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Nappy Quotes

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If I had a choice about going to a meeting at a studio or changing a nappy, I’d choose the nappy  (Nappy Quotes) There is nothing like waking up at six in the morning and changing a baby’s nappy to bring you face to face with life’s reality  (Nappy Quotes) What price would God demand from the churches for having the audacity to lighten the color of his son’s skin, and straighten out his nappy hair  (Nappy Quotes) If I had a choice about going to a meeting at a studio or changing a nappy, I’d choose the nappy.  (Nappy Quotes) It’s Christmas time and my rhyme’s steady bumpin. Everybody happy, hair still nappy, Gonna steal a gift for my old grandpappy...  (Nappy Quotes) What price would God demand from the churches for having the audacity to lighten the color of his son’s skin, and straighten out his nappy hair?  (Nappy Quotes) My dad always took to his heels when a nappy change was necessary. I am so much looking forward to our child. It is such a wonderfully exciting time right now.  (Nappy Quotes) Cultivate your sense of humour. On life’s journey from nappy rash to denture adhesive, humour is a great pain reliever.  (Nappy Quotes)