Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes

Text Quotes
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg didn’t finish college. Too much emphasis is placed on formal education - I told my children not to worry about their grades but to enjoy learning (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
I am happy everywhere except in places where I see glitz and rich farts. I am happiest in Brooklyn, where the concentration of rich farts is minimal (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Nobody reads the disclosures that roll down your computer screen. You click ‘I agree’ but you don’t know what you’re agreeing to (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
You have family-owned businesses that have been around for 500 years. You cannot name a corporation that survives intact for even a few decades (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Failure saves lives. In the airline industry, every time a plane crashes the probability of the next crash is lowered by that. The Titanic saved lives because we’re building bigger and bigger ships. So these people died, but we have effectively improved the safety of the system, and nothing failed in vain (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Globalization has created this interlocking fragility. At no time in the history of the universe has the cancellation of a Christmas order in New York meant layoffs in China (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
I’m in favour of religion as a tamer of arrogance. For a Greek Orthodox, the idea of God as creator outside the human is not God in God’s terms. My God isn’t the God of George Bush (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
If I ask you to write down the last 4 digits of your social security number, and then take you out to lunch and ask you how many dentists there are in Manhattan, there’s going to be a high correlation between those two numbers. What happens is that the number psychologically makes you feel confident (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
People have the problem of denial. This is one of the things I learned in Lebanon. Everybody who left Beirut when the war started, including my parents, said, ‘Oh, its temporary.’ It lasted 17 years! People tend to underestimate the gravity of these situations. That’s how they work (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
The Internet allows the small guy a global marketplace. But technology is harmful in the sense that we get too much information from it. Because of the web we get 10 times the amount of noise we ever got, which makes harmful fallacies far more likely (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Read books are far less valuable than unread ones. The library should contain as much of what you do not know as your financial means, mortgage rates, and the currently tight real-estate market alow you to put there (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Charm is the ability to insult people without offending them; nerdiness the reverse (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
They think that intelligence is about noticing things are relevant (detecting patterns); in a complex world, intelligence consists in ignoring things that are irrelevant (avoiding false patterns) (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
I no longer care about the financial system. I gave them my roadmap. OK? Thanks, bye. I’ve no idea what’s going on. I’m disconnected. I’m totally disengaged (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Hard work will get you a professorship or a BMW. You need both work and luck for a Booker, a Nobel or a private jet (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Avoid losers. If you hear someone use the words ‘impossible’, ‘never’, ‘too difficult’ too often, drop him or her from your social network (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Dress your best on your execution day. Be extremely courteous to your assistant when you lose money. Try not to blame others for your fate, even if they deserve blame. Never exhibit any self-pity. Do not complain (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
In politics we face the choice between warmongering, nation-state loving, big-business agents on one hand; and risk-blind, top-down, epistemic arrogant big servants of large employers on the other. But we have a choice (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Wear your best for your execution and stand dignified. Your last recourse against randomness is how you act - if you can’t control outcomes, you can control the elegance of your behaviour. You will always have the last word (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Learn to fail with pride - and do so fast and cleanly. Maximise trial and error - by mastering the error part (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
I remind myself of Einstein’s remark that common sense is nothing but a collection of misconceptions acquired by age 18 (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
History is opaque. You see what comes out, not the script that produces events, [...] The generator of historical events is different from the events themselves, much as the minds of the gods cannot be read just by witnessing their deeds (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
I suppose that the main benefit of being rich (over just being independent) is to be able to despise rich people (a good concentration of whom you find in glitzy ski resorts) without any sour grapes. It is even sweeter when these farts don’t know that you are richer than they are (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Nature builds things that are antifragile. In the case of evolution, nature uses disorder to grow stronger. Occasional starvation or going to the gym also makes you stronger, because you subject your body to stressors and gain from them (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Failure saves lives. In the airline industry, every time a plane crashes the probability of the next crash is lowered by that. (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Anything organic requires some dose of variability so it can adapt all the time, and fixing things is not a good idea. (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Never take advice from anyone in a tie. They’ll bankrupt you. Don’t ask a general for advice on war, and don’t ask a broker for advice on money. (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Banks have never made money in the history of banking, losing the equivalent of all their past profits periodically - while bankers strike it rich. (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Scepticism is effortful and costly. It is better to be sceptical about matters of large consequences, and be imperfect, foolish and human in the small and the aesthetic. (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
The fastest way to become rich is to socialize with the poor; the fastest way to become poor is to socialize with the rich. (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)