Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes

Text Quotes
An idea starts to be interesting when you get scared of taking it to its logical conclusion (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
You exist if and only if you are free to do things without a visible objective, with no justification and, above all, outside the dictatorship of someone else’s narrative (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
When we want to do something while unconsciously certain to fail, we seek advice so we can blame someone else for the failure (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
The book is the only medium left that hasn’t been corrupted by the profane (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
To be completely cured of newspapers, spend a year reading the previous week’s newspapers (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Restaurants get you in with food to sell you liquor; religions get you in with belief to sell you rules (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
You are rich if and only if money you refuse tastes better than money you accept (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
You have a real life if and only if you do not compete with anyone in any of your pursuits (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
The fool generalizes the particular; the nerd particularizes the general; some do both; and the wise does neither (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Someone bemoaned that there were so few women in economics. But there are also very few men in economics (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
The payoff of a human venture is, in general, inversely proportional to what it is expected to be (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Categorizing is necessary for humans, but it becomes pathological when the category is seen as definitive, preventing people from considering the fuzziness of boundaries, let alone revising their categories (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Just as being nice to the arrogant is no better than being arrogant toward the nice, being accommodating toward anyone committing a nefarious action condones it (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
It is often the mistakes of others that benefit the rest of us and, sadly, not them... For the antifragile, harm from errors should be less than the benefits (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Information is antifragile; it feeds more on attempts to harm it than it does on efforts to promote it (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
When some systems are stuck in a dangerous impasse, randomness and only randomness can unlock them and set them free (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
The best way to learn a language may be an episode of jail in a foreign country (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
If I could predict what my day would exactly look like, I would feel a little bit dead (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
This is the central illusion in life: that randomness is a risk, that it is a bad thing (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
The worst side effect of wealth is the social associations it forces on its victims, as people with big houses end up socializing with other people with big houses (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Suckers think that you cure greed with money, addiction with substances, expert problems with experts, banking with bankers, economics with economists, and debt crises with debt spending (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
I hated school because I liked to daydream and the system tried to stop me from that (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Life is a tightrope between two errors: generalizing the wrong particular and particularizing the wrong general (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
For many people, commuting is the worst part of the day, and policies that can make commuting shorter and more convenient would be a straightforward way to reduce minor but widespread suffering (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Banking is a very treacherous business because you don’t realize it is risky until it is too late. It is like calm waters that deliver huge storms (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Capitalism is about adventurers who get harmed by their mistakes, not people who harm others with their mistakes (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Deficits are like putting dynamite in the hands of children. They can get out of control very quickly (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
The best philosophers were not academics, but had another job, so their philosophy was not corrupted by careerism (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
You will get the most attention from those who hate you. No friend, no admirer and no partner will flatter you with as much curiosity (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)
Never think that lack of variability is stability. Don’t confuse lack of volatility with stability, ever (Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes)