Nathaniel Branden Quotes

Text Quotes
The greater a child’s terror, and the earlier it is experienced, the harder it becomes to develop a strong and healthy sense of self (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
One of the most significant characteristics of healthy self esteem is that it is the state of one who is not at war either with himself or with others (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
The first love affair you must consummate is the love affair with yourself. Only then are you ready for a romantic relationship (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
Anyone who engages in the practice of psychotherapy confronts every day the devastation wrought by the teachings of religion (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
How do we nurture the soul? By revering our own life. By learning to love it all, not only the joys and the victories, but also the pain and the struggles (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
Sometimes the subconscious mind manifests a wisdom several steps or even years ahead of the conscious mind, and has its own way of leading us toward our destiny (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is more important than the judgment we pass on ourselves (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
Reason and emotion are not antagonists. What seems like a struggle between two opposing ideas or values, one of which, automatic and unconscious, manifests itself in the form of a feeling (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
It is painful to face the self we know we have never had the integrity to honor and assert (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
When your principles seem to be demanding suicide, clearly it’s time to check your premises (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
In a world in which the total of human knowledge is doubling about every ten years, our security can rest only on our ability to learn (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
A woman in love will do almost anything for a man, except give up the desire to improve him (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
Suffering is just about the easiest of all human activities; being happy is just about the hardest. And happiness requires, not surrender to guilt, but emancipation from guilt (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
It is a curious paradox of human history that a doctrine that tells human beings to regard themselves as sacrificial animals has been accepted as a doctrine representing benevolence and love for mankind (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
It is generally recognized that creativity requires leisure, an absence of rush, time for the mind and imagination to float and wander and roam, time for the individual to descend into the depths of his or her psyche, to be available to barely audible signals rustling for attention. Long periods of time may pass in which nothing seems to be happening. But we know that kind of space must be created if the mind is to leap out of its accustomed ruts, to part from the mechanical, the known, the familiar, the standard, and generate a leap into the new (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
Pride is the emotional reward of achievement. It is not a vice to be overcome but a virtue to be attained (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
Objectivism comes on, sometimes, as if the most important issue you have to understand is the issue of egoism versus altruism. But that’s nowhere near the beginning of the process (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
It is true that people are sometimes hit by adversities beyond their control. But those so affected are better helped when they are awakened to the resources they do possess than when they are told they don’t have any (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
The natural inclination of a child is to take pleasure in the use of the mind no less than of the body. The child’s primary business is learning. It is also the primary entertainment. To retain that orientation into adulthood, so that consciousness is not a burden but a joy, is the mark of the successfully developed human being (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
A productive purpose to which you give yourself fully and joyfully is one of the great adventures of life. It is a uniquely human source of happiness (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
The real basic power of an individual isn’t what he or she knows; it’s the ability to think and learn and face new challenges (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
The tragedy of too many people is that they cannot allow happiness just to be there; they cannot leave it alone. Their sense of who they are and of what their destiny is cannot accommodate happiness. So they are drive to find ways to sabotage it (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
Set goals that don’t feel all that easy, that challenge you, stimulate you, and give you a chance to stretch and push yourself. That is where the power of growth lies (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
You have a right to your feelings. Your feelings are there to tell you something, but they are not infallible guides to behavior (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
If you face life without confidence in your own powers, you succumb too easily to setbacks and adversity; you lack the will to persevere (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
Anyone who really loves you wants you to be authentic. And anyone who doesn’t want you to be authentic doesn’t really love you (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
Living consciously reflects the conviction that sight is preferable to blindness; that respecting the facts of reality is more satisfying than denying them; that evasion does not make the unreal real or the real unreal; that it is better to correct your mistakes that to pretend they do not exist; and that the more conscious you are of facts bearing on your life and goals, the more wisely and effectively you can act (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
When we bury our feelings, we also bury ourselves. It means we exist in a state of alienation. We rarely know it, but we are lonely for ourselves (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
The policy of seeking values from human beings by means of force, when practiced by an individual, is called crime. When practiced by a government, it is called statism (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)
It’s not that achievements prove our worth but rather that the process of achieving is the means by which we develop our effectiveness, our competence at living (Nathaniel Branden Quotes)