Nation Quotes

Text Quotes
America’s fighting men and women sacrifice much to ensure that our great nation stays free. We owe a debt of gratitude to the soldiers that have paid the ultimate price for this cause, as well as for those who are blessed enough to return from the battlefield unscathed. (Nation Quotes)
God has blessed me with the mission to place nonviolence before the nation for adoption (Nation Quotes)
As Indians, we take great pride in the fact that we are a progressive nation. We are proud of our democracy, our secular values as well as our entrepreneurial spirit. We are appalled by the harsh laws that govern women’s lives in Taliban-dominated lands. Yet we turn a blind eye to the injustices that our own society continues to heap upon women. (Nation Quotes)
Justice may be blind, but we all know that diversity in the courts, as in all aspects of society, sharpens our vision and makes us a stronger nation. (Nation Quotes)
Germany is a great nation only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins (Nation Quotes)
That religion and that nation will be blotted out of the face of the earth which pins its faith on injustice, untruth or violence. (Nation Quotes)
We pretend to be a middle class, democratic nation, but in reality we love our blue bloods. ... We love the prep school manners, the aristocratic calm, the Skull and Bones mystery, the dappled lawns stretching before New England summer homes. How else can you explain the Bush vs. Kerry match-up that confronts us this year (Nation Quotes)
Nationalism - in other words, the dividing of the church into bodies - consisting of such and such a nation, is a novelty, not above three centuries old, although many dear children of God are found dwelling in it. (Nation Quotes)
If we cannot provide excellent educational opportunities to all children, safe communities, quality health coverage, or robust and fair avenues towards wealth creation, then our nation will increasingly be in peril. (Nation Quotes)
As I review the great history of our nation, community organizers have been at the center of so many of our great social movements. (Nation Quotes)
My own special knowledge is about the Abenaki people and, to some degree, my Iroquois neighbors. But whenever I write anything about another tribal nation, I always get a lot of help. Not just from books, but from people who belong to that tribal nation. (Nation Quotes)
To be called a sovereign nation, a nation has to be able to control its own borders. It is controlling your own destiny in a way, and we don’t control our own borders. (Nation Quotes)
Over the last several years, I’ve passed defunding Planned Parenthood, the sonogram bill, voter ID. I passed the TSA anti-groping bill, sanctuary cities, loser pay, border security, and the toughest Jessica’s law in the entire nation against sexual predators. (Nation Quotes)
America was born as a nation of immigrants who have always contributed to its greatness (Nation Quotes)
These men of Law and their confederates ... the caterpillars of this Kingdom, who with their uncontrolled exactions and extortions, eat up the free-born people of this Nation. (Nation Quotes)
Your lifestyle should show some form of responsibility for the nation where you were born and/or the nation where you live (Nation Quotes)
[The public lands represent] in a sense, the breathing space of the nation (Nation Quotes)
Dark clouds outside are no match to the bright smiles of volunteers at the GK relief center. Hope shines brightest in darkness. Miracles of solidarity can help a nation walk on water. (Nation Quotes)
What worries me is that, because of the amount of media coverage of food, Britain seems to have become a foodie nation - but I’m not sure it actually has. I’m not sure there’s been a huge change in the pantry at home or what we cook for supper. (Nation Quotes)
Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act which deprived a whole nation of arms as the blackest. (Nation Quotes)
When it comes to immigration reform, now is the time ... I’ve never seen a better political environment ... I’m not doing immigration reform to solve the Republican Party’s political problem. I’m trying to save our nation from, I think, a shortage of labor and a catastrophic broken system. (Nation Quotes)
An oligarchy of race, where the Saxon rules the African, might be endured; but this oligarchy of sex which makes father, brothers, husband, sons, the oligarchs over the mother and sisters, the wife and daughters of every household... carries discord and rebellion into every home of the nation. (Nation Quotes)
I envy those Hindus and Buddhists who have in their religion philosophy and ancestor worship which build in the believer a continuity with the past, and that most important ingredient in the building of a nation - memory. (Nation Quotes)
My parents were exactly like millions of other Americans who had a fire in their belly to build something of their own, and in so doing they exemplified the dignity of work, the opportunity available in this great nation to those willing to work, and they left the world a bit better than it was when they first showed up. (Nation Quotes)
The people gave me the responsibility of building the future of this nation And I did it with honor. (Nation Quotes)
The men and women of Afghanistan are building a nation that is free, and proud, and fighting terror - and America is honored to be their friend. (Nation Quotes)
I think that before you take on nation building in your mind’s eye as to how it should be, you’d better have a clear understanding if this is doable and will work. (Nation Quotes)
The building of America has had its fair share of mistakes, but it’s a constitution that’s the jewel of democracy, the envy of many, and it’s the most generous nation in the world. (Nation Quotes)
When the president during the campaign said he was against nation building, I didn’t realize he meant our nation. (Nation Quotes)
Our nation will succeed or fail to the degree that all of us - citizens and businesses alike - are active participanats in building strong, sustainable and enriching communities. (Nation Quotes)