Nation Quotes

Text Quotes
As recent as the year 2000 we won elections by saying we shouldn’t be the policemen of the world, and that we should not be nation building. And its time we got those values back into this country. (Nation Quotes)
The nation that would to-day disarm its soldiers and turn its people to the paths of peace would accomplish more to its building up than by all the war taxes wrong from its hostile and unwilling serfs (Nation Quotes)
Korea can’t become a ‘first-class’ nation unless regulation and ‘a sense of power’ disappear. The nation’s politics is the fourth-class, bureaucratic are the third-class, and business is the second-class. (Nation Quotes)
When truth and honesty is successfully intertwined into the business world of a nation, the result is a boost in commerce. (Nation Quotes)
Whether you are running a business, an industry, or a nation - what is needed are insight, integrity, and inspiration. (Nation Quotes)
It’s quite extraordinary to hear a supposedly learned person call the United States a leading terrorist nation, one of the leading terrorist nations in the world. It’s false and very treacherous teaching. (Nation Quotes)
It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ! (Nation Quotes)
I think because we’re such a trading nation, I think Canadians understand that first and foremost we’re part of the global economy. (Nation Quotes)
Ever since the collapse of cap and trade legislation and the realization that President Obama is unlikely to ever utter the words ‘climate change’ in public again, much less use the bully pulpit to prepare the nation for the catastrophic risks of inaction, the movement has been in a funk. (Nation Quotes)
On a per capita basis, Britain is responsible for more of the carbon dioxide now in the atmosphere than any other nation on Earth because it has been burning it from the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. (Nation Quotes)
The sacrifices made by veterans and their willingness to fight in defense of our nation merit our deep respect and praise - and to the best in benefits and medical care. (Nation Quotes)
Our goal is to make Maine the healthiest state in the nation and reduce our overall health care costs. (Nation Quotes)
As the wealthiest nation on Earth, we have made a commitment to provide health care for those over 65. In order to pay for this, each of us should contribute the same, flat percentage of our earned income. (Nation Quotes)
As your president, I care too much about this nation to let anyone stand in the way of our people’s wellbeing. (Nation Quotes)
The new elites have no allegiances to nation states and don’t care about the damage they do to workers, the environment, or the rest of humanity. They are unhinged sociopaths, far removed from what the Occupy Movement called the 99 percent.’ (Nation Quotes)
I’m not condemning the Catholic Church - it’s too big, it’s like condemning a nation and that would be prejudiced. (Nation Quotes)
Causes of Civil War are also, that the Wealth of the Nation is in too few mens hands, and that no certain means are provided to keep all men from a necessity either to beg, or steal, or be Souldiers. (Nation Quotes)
Pearl Harbor caused our Nation to wholeheartedly commit to winning World War II, changing the course of our Nation’s history and the world’s future. (Nation Quotes)
The United States is the most powerful nation on Earth and it just can’t walk away from the Middle East and central Asia and the Horn of Africa. (Nation Quotes)
War is America’s central liturgical act necessary to renew our sense that we are a nation unlike other nations. (Nation Quotes)
If you seek Hamilton’s monument, look around. You are living in it. We honor Jefferson, but live in Hamilton’s country, a mighty industrial nation with a strong central government. (Nation Quotes)
Environmental concern is a phenomena that tends to rise in a nation after a certain level of wealth. (Nation Quotes)
Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Saviour? (Nation Quotes)
Political prodigies are rare in a nation that grooms top leaders through decades of Communist Party road-testing and pageantry. And because Chairman Mao’s cult of personality led the country into extremism, the Party spent the next three decades engineering its politicians to be as indistinguishable as possible. (Nation Quotes)
Ronald Reagan was an excellent leader of our nation during challenging times at home and abroad (Nation Quotes)
The goal of the Head Start program is to give at-risk children all across our Nation a fair chance at succeeding in the educational system. (Nation Quotes)
Now if you know what makes one person’s life change, then you know what makes a nation change - because a nation is simply a large group of individuals. (Nation Quotes)
Hope and change’ has become a cliche in our nation, and it is daunting to think that any American could hope for change from what God has blessed. (Nation Quotes)
Hip-hop in the 90s began moving towards the Nation of Islam and the 5 Percenters, black nationalist movements; very much so, these movements embraced a form of Islam: Malcom X’s form of Islam prior to his change. (Nation Quotes)
I am grateful that I live in a nation where most believe that one’s punishment should fit their wrongdoing and that ours is a nation that judges an individual by both what he has done and how he has changed. (Nation Quotes)