Nation Quotes

Text Quotes
Whatever he does in office, no man can live up to the high expectations of the world, but we have been changed by his election. Obama’s inauguration is a historic global achievement, a major milestone in the journey of a powerful nation. (Nation Quotes)
The church is God’s remnant in a country, able to change the life of the nation (Nation Quotes)
The United States has been a Pacific nation for over two centuries. That’s not going to change. (Nation Quotes)
The United States is the only nation that can lead the world toward a solution on climate change (Nation Quotes)
It is time to change our policy of appeasement toward the Palestinians, to strengthen our ties with the nation of Israel. (Nation Quotes)
It takes more than a few generations to change a human nation. Those who are intent to bring (change) will do so. (Nation Quotes)
The change we seek for our nation is not the choice of an individual but must be the calling of a country. (Nation Quotes)
If a nation does not want a monarchy, change the nations mind. If a nation does not need a monarchy, change the nations needs. (Nation Quotes)
Our nation is being led astray by ungodly judges, mayors and governors, who are given to change, defying the Constitution and substituting their own wicked agendas. (Nation Quotes)
A country cannot change, be transformed or developed as long as there is no truth and honesty as an everyday principle among the citizens of the nation. (Nation Quotes)
If you know what makes one person’s life change, then you know what makes a nation change - because a nation is simply a large group of individuals. (Nation Quotes)
Fidel Castro gave it all to make his nation serviceable to all who desire real change. That’s why I love Fidel Castro, and that’s why he will never die. (Nation Quotes)
Nothing is going to change the fact that I believe Ronald Reagan is the greatest president in my lifetime - may well be the greatest president this nation ever had. (Nation Quotes)
If ever there was a time this country needed the intervention of God, it is now. We can and should pray for America as a whole, but remember that when God sets out to change a nation, He begins by changing people. It starts with individuals. (Nation Quotes)
When I was in school, sport was given utmost importance. I think it’s fantastic for character building, for team playing, and I think it’s a great profile for a nation. One in every six people on Earth is an Indian, and I look forward to the day when we can compete with the heavyweights of the sporting world and do well in the medal tally. (Nation Quotes)
A nation that is hungry for God will not go hungry. Duffy French, book character (Nation Quotes)
I - and there are hundreds of thousands of Irishmen who felt on this subject as I do - have always liked my Celtic countrymen and disliked the English nation; it is a national trait of character, and I cannot help it. (Nation Quotes)
We all want a simpler code, but tax reform is about much more. It is about ensuring that everyone pays their fair share. The tax code is also used to promote behavior that we as a nation support, such as home ownership or charitable contributions. (Nation Quotes)
A nation like China has become one of the biggest production fields for exporting cheap labor, which also re-questions our history and past, re-questions human desire, and the human illusions of the past. (Nation Quotes)
Under Saddam Hussein, the nation of Iraq possessed and used chemical weapons against both their own Kurdish population and Iranian military forces. (Nation Quotes)
The French, perhaps more than any other nation, cherish the memory of their dead by ornamenting their places of sepulture with the finest flowers, often renewing the garlands and replacing such plants as decay with vigorous and costly ones. (Nation Quotes)
The beauty of America is that I don’t have to deny my past to affirm my present. No one does. We can love this nation like a parent and still embrace our ancestral home like cherished grandparents. (Nation Quotes)
Religious liberty is the first freedom in our Constitution. And whether the cause is justice for the persecuted, compassion for the needy and the sick, or mercy for the child waiting to be born, there is no greater force for good in the nation than Christian conscience in action. (Nation Quotes)
I’m making the assumption that after Mrs. Obama leaves the White House that she will continue all of her work toward improving education in this nation and childhood health. (Nation Quotes)
For the first time, the nation will have goals, benchmarks, and measureable outcomes that will help us tackle the childhood obesity epidemic one child, one family, and one community at a time, (Nation Quotes)
Childhood obesity issue is critically important to me because it’s critically important to the health and success of our kids, and of this nation, ultimately. (Nation Quotes)
I think Michelle Obama is on the right track with her Let’s Move campaign to bring down childhood obesity. She and I come from the same state, Illinois, which is number four in the nation for obese children. One out of five Illinois children are considered obese. Not overweight, obese. And two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. (Nation Quotes)
Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion,and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure. (Nation Quotes)
President Obama is not the Antichrist. But what I am saying is this: the course he is choosing to lead our nation is paving the way for the future reign of the Antichrist. (Nation Quotes)
When I served in the Army, along the Iron Curtain we had a word for a person who absconds with information and provides it to another nation: traitor. We also had a name for a person who chooses to reveal secrets he had personally promised to protect: common criminal. (Nation Quotes)