Nation Quotes

Text Quotes
America is the only high income nation without a paid family leave program. This means that if you or a family member gets sick, there is no guarantee that you can take the time you need to take care of yourself or your loved one, leaving already vulnerable families in the position of making hard decisions in cases of illness. (Nation Quotes)
Our deep spiritual confidence that this nation will survive the perils of today - which may well be with us for decades to come - compels us to invest in our nation’s future, to consider and meet our obligations to our children and the numberless generations that will follow. (Nation Quotes)
There is a need in every generation to study the past, to absorb its spirit, to preserve its’s a collaboration of ourselves and our ancestors, the result is a deeper understanding for individuals and in consequence, a broader culture for the nation. (Nation Quotes)
If you make me your president, I’m going to put the country ahead of the party. I’m going to do what it takes to defend this nation. This nation has been great to me, and that’s the only way I know to pay you back. (Nation Quotes)
If our nation goes over a financial Niagara, we won’t have much strength and, eventually, we won’t have peace. We are currently borrowing the entire defense budget from foreign investors. Within a few years, we will be spending more on interest payments than on national security. That is not, as our military friends say, a ‘robust strategy.’ (Nation Quotes)
We will not fail your expectations of us as a new nation dedicated to peace, democracy, and freedom. (Nation Quotes)
The transformation of the United States from a traditional republic to a democratic nation run in large measure by a single executive took a couple of hundred years. (Nation Quotes)
The dangerous glorification of the nation state, and the baiting of minorities that goes along with it, releases an anti-democratic energy. (Nation Quotes)
As an adoptive parent myself of foster children, I have seen firsthand the glaring problems of the system currently facing this Nation. (Nation Quotes)
We need a type of patriotism that recognizes the virtues of those who are opposed to us..... The old manifest destiny idea ought to be modified so that each nation has the manifest destiny to do the best it can - and that without cant, without the assumption of self-righteousness and with a desire to learn to the uttermost from other nations. (Nation Quotes)
If you want to destroy a nation, give it too much - make it greedy, miserable and sick (Nation Quotes)
You don’t necessarily need atomic bombs to destroy a nation. Politicians who value their pockets than the life of citizens always do that every day. (Nation Quotes)
Can a film really change anything? I mean, what was the last time? Maybe the Italian neo-realists, where they became the voice and the heart and the soul of Italy, a nation that had been destroyed. I don’t know. (Nation Quotes)
We’re not planning for the future. If we continue to spend ourselves into oblivion, we are going to destroy this nation. (Nation Quotes)
We are a Nation of peace and compassion, yet these people have and will devote every fiber of their beings to the destruction of Americans and our Country. (Nation Quotes)
In addition to anti-American terrorists with global reach, our adversaries include organizations - some nation states, some private and some criminal - that proliferate weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them. (Nation Quotes)
The dream of socialists, the Maximum Programme, has always been to eliminate the private property, the family and the nation state. With the private property they have not succeeded, but they continue on the path of destruction of the family and the nation. (Nation Quotes)
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide. (Nation Quotes)
The fact of the matter is we went after Iraq for oil. And the fact of the matter is that the United States has degraded our role as a great nation by attacking this nation that had no capacity to attack the United States and no intention of doing so, that didn’t have anything to do with 9/11, didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. (Nation Quotes)
America is the only developed nation in the world with no guaranteed paid leave of any kind. That means we’re leaving a whole lot of talent on the sidelines. (Nation Quotes)
Self government is no less essential to the development, growth, and happiness of the individual than to the nation. (Nation Quotes)
The development of the society, the state and the nation is proportionate to the development of the Human (Nation Quotes)
The more each nation contributes to world society from the wealth of its own aptitudes, its own race, and its own traditions, the greater the future development and happiness of mankind will be. (Nation Quotes)
Most people in the country would think the diamond jubilee is a wonderful occasion for us to celebrate together as a community and as a nation. But I suspect that most people in the country would think, given that there is very little money around, that this probably would not be the top of their list of priorities for the use of scarce public resources. (Nation Quotes)
Denmark is a small, homogenous nation of about 5.5 million people. The United States is a melting pot of more than 315 million people. No question about it, Denmark and the United States are very different countries. (Nation Quotes)
I am the son of a small and far-away nation and the other laureates have all come from different countries from all over the world and we all were equally received here with signs of sympathy. (Nation Quotes)
Many persons claiming different faiths make us one and an indivisible nation. All these have an equal claim to be the nationals of India. (Nation Quotes)
The difference between a nation and a nationality is clear, but it is not always observed. Likeness between members is the essence of nationality, but the members of a nation may be very different. A nation may be composed of many nationalities, as some of the most successful nations are. (Nation Quotes)
The Celtic, Galatian, or Gallic nation received from the common mother endowments different from those of its Italian, Germanic, and Hellenic sisters. (Nation Quotes)
The president in Finland has to understand that there are many different thoughts and opinions and that they must be taken into account so that he could be the president of the whole nation. (Nation Quotes)