Nation Quotes

Text Quotes
The fact that most kids aren’t eating at home with their families any more really means they are eating elsewhere. They are eating out there in fast food nation. (Nation Quotes)
When the economic well-being of their nation demanded a strong and creative response, my colleagues at the Federal Reserve... mustered the moral courage to do what was necessary. (Nation Quotes)
The American people need to know that there are folks here fighting as hard as they can for individual liberty, economic freedom, appropriate national security and the fundamental moral values that have made our nation the greatest nation in the history of mankind. (Nation Quotes)
The major economic policy challenges facing the nation today - pick your favorites among the usual suspects of low public and household savings, concerns about educational quality and achievement, high and rising income inequality, the large imbalances between our social insurance commitments and resources - are not about monetary policy. (Nation Quotes)
The more people we can attract to science and technology - men, women, everybody - the more economic opportunity we have as a nation. (Nation Quotes)
Any nation that allows the government to dominate its monetary and economic policies will ultimately suffer grave consequences. (Nation Quotes)
The true greatness of a nation lies in its character, not in its economic or military power (Nation Quotes)
A nation is not made wealthy by the childish accumulation of shiny metals, but it enriched by the economic prosperity of it’s people. (Nation Quotes)
When the economy of a country is based fundamentally on the principles of truth and honesty, that nation experiences economic stability. (Nation Quotes)
For the good of our environment, the good of the economy, and the good of the Nation, I strongly urge support of the upper Mississippi locks and dams project. (Nation Quotes)
See, that’s why Barack’s running: to end the war in Iraq responsibly - to build an economy that lifts every family, to make sure health care is available for every American - and to make sure that every child in this nation has a world-class education all the way from preschool to college. (Nation Quotes)
We know that the nation that goes all-in on innovation today will own the global economy tomorrow. This is an edge America cannot surrender. (Nation Quotes)
I’d like the United States to become what it was always meant to be, which is a secular nation - more publicly committed to reason, to improving understanding, and promoting education. (Nation Quotes)
A Harris poll I’ve seen says only 12 percent of the electorate names taxes as one of the most important issues facing the nation. Voters put tax cuts dead last, behind education, Social Security, health care, Medicare and poverty. (Nation Quotes)
As the 29th state to join the United States of America, it is our turn to show the nation what represents Iowa. Our commitment to quality education, hard work, and small-town values are all represented in the Iowa quarter. (Nation Quotes)
Nations have recently been led to borrow billions for war; no nation has ever borrowed largely for education... no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both. (Nation Quotes)
An education system where student selection is based on credit capacity and not merit capacity and where graduating students are no longer indebted to the nation, but increasingly indebted to the Australian Taxation Office - that’s no way to improve the quality of education. (Nation Quotes)
Countries have largely been left alone to handle or ignore their educational problems as they see fit. In part, this was because we assumed that the contexts and challenges were so different from nation to nation that education could not be tackled at the international level. (Nation Quotes)
Nothing but education defines the future of a person and the future of a nation (Nation Quotes)
A nation that does not provide a proper education for women is destroying their nation (Nation Quotes)
Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education (Nation Quotes)
Our progress as a nation can be not swifter than our progress in education (Nation Quotes)
The nation can prosper and be happy only when education develops in an atmosphere of Truth, Love and Reverence. (Nation Quotes)
Education for immediate effective consumption is more popular than ever, and nobody wants to think of the long term, or the intellectual tone of the nation. (Nation Quotes)
If we want to invest in the prosperity of our nation, we must invest in the education of our children so that their talents may be fully employed. (Nation Quotes)
What kind of nation are we when we give tax breaks to billionaires, but we can’t take care of the elderly and the children. (Nation Quotes)
Across the nation, the election protection movement attracts ordinary citizens who educate their neighbors about their voting systems and the private companies that built and run them. (Nation Quotes)
We’ve - we heard a lot from state secretaries of state and other elections officials from all states in the nation, both Democrat and Republican. Before Election Day, we heard for weeks concern about the election being rigged or the election being hacked. (Nation Quotes)
Let’s dare to release our immature fantasies of a magically faultless U.S. system and a magically protected election process. We have been lucky as a nation, but sometimes continued luck depends on action. (Nation Quotes)
. . . unless there comes to the Nation a greater emancipation than Lincoln’s Proclamation effected, it is doomed, it is bound to go down. (Nation Quotes)