Nation Quotes

Text Quotes
The judgment of God against this nation will not be turned by a more conservative President, but by the repentance of its people. (Nation Quotes)
I never was in the Nation of Islam... I mean, what I call myself is a natural Muslim, ‘cause it’s just me and God. (Nation Quotes)
The only strategy to protect and preserve a nation is to establish the golden rules and principles of the Kingdom of God in the society. (Nation Quotes)
This nation was established by the God of heaven as a citadel of liberty. A Constitution guaranteeing those liberties was designed under the superintending influence of heaven. (Nation Quotes)
But as a heathen tells us, there is no nation so barbarous, no race so brutish as not to be imbued with the conviction that there is a God. (Nation Quotes)
As it relates to society in general, I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’ (Nation Quotes)
I think America is in trouble, but it’s not beyond repair. But it’s going to take leadership who sees the greatness of this country and who believes that, once again, we can be one nation under God. (Nation Quotes)
The bread of such a nation (living godly) shall be in constant supply. Talking of abundance, provision, prosperity, surplus etc. (Nation Quotes)
The Nation of Islam provides an antidote in the United States to fundamentalist Islam - which is why individuals from America have to go abroad to find radical teachings. (Nation Quotes)
I certainly don’t want our nation to go into default, but at the same time, I’m very concerned about our ongoing debt problem. (Nation Quotes)
Bipolar disorder is so swept under the rug as a nation and, I think especially, by black people. It’s not our culture to go get therapy. ‘Give them medicine for what?’ We put people in court, put them in court again, versus really paying attention to what it is they are going through. (Nation Quotes)
The true wealth of a nation lies not in it’s gold or silver but in it’s learning, wisdom and in the uprightness of its sons. (Nation Quotes)
If I swung the gavel the way I swung that golf club, the nation would be in a helluva mess (Nation Quotes)
The fate of a nation has often depended upon the good or bad digestion of a prime minister (Nation Quotes)
I am no enemy of Nepal being a fully literate society. It is a good thing for society and the nation as a whole. (Nation Quotes)
Everything that has happened in my life is because of good government and because the United States of America was the greatest nation on the face of the earth. (Nation Quotes)
As you know, today was Don’t Take Your Illegal Immigrant To Work Day here in Los Angeles. No, all across the nation they had a Day Without Immigrants, is what they call it. Or, as Native Americans call it, the good ol’ days. (Nation Quotes)
With a close parliament, if the Government wants to get a good outcome for the nation, they can’t play a game of lying to the public about what’s in their own legislation. They can’t do that. (Nation Quotes)
India is a youthful nation. Can’t we think of exporting good teachers? (Nation Quotes)
It is only when the individual is good that society will progress. When the society and the nation is based on the observance of human values. (Nation Quotes)
Peace on earth, good will toward men’ - democracy must cling to that message. For it is my deep conviction that democracy cannot live without that true religion which gives a nation a sense of justice and moral purpose. (Nation Quotes)
Each nation knowing it has the only true religion and the only sane system of government, each despising all the others, each an ass and not suspecting it. (Nation Quotes)
There isn’t much in the way of pure communist spirit, because the whole nation seems to be engaged in capitalistic enterprises. Much of the country still operates under government control. (Nation Quotes)
It is a misnomer to call a government republican in which a branch of the supreme power is independent of the nation. (Nation Quotes)
No money on earth can buy the love and affection that has been given to me by a grateful nation (Nation Quotes)
I am an Obamacare agnostic - if it works, as I hope it will for the good of the nation, then it’s a great thing. If it doesn’t, then that is a disappointing thing, and we need to try something else. (Nation Quotes)
Bankruptcy is about financial death and financial rebirth. Bankruptcy is the great American story rewritten. We’re a nation of debtors. (Nation Quotes)
[T]he great American statesman devotes his energy, ability, and wisdom to conforming himself and this people to the moral principles that gave this nation birth, are older than anything else in the country’s soul, and yet retain the power to make us young again with the vigor of virtue and the zeal for justice. (Nation Quotes)
The virtues of character, behavioural patterns determine how great a nation and people are (Nation Quotes)
Because the time has come, well and truly come, for all peoples of our great country, for all citizens of our great commonwealth, for all Australians - those who are indigenous and those who are not - to come together to reconcile and together build a new future for our nation. (Nation Quotes)